NXT panels
in AMX Hardware
Is it possible to flip the image on the screen of the NXT panels to install them in a place like underneath a kitchen cabinet? I've been looking in the manual and I haven't found a setting for this.
Wouldn't work so well for a video window ...
I wonder what would be involved with flipping the display upside down mechanically. If it were me though, I would spec an in-wall model and build an enclosure around it. I'm a bit spoiled; I have an installer who loves that kind of custom work and is really quite good at it too.
The biggest problem I found was flipping the fonts. I had an application where they wanted to use an MVP in a portrait orientation and I had to make bitmaps for all of the buttons with the rotated text.
Oh yuck. I don't think I would ever have the patience required for re-creating all the fonts. I hate even so much as needing to resize or re-aspect images.
Is that entry also available in the NXT panels?
i have NO idea, because i don't have one handy
I also havent been able to figure out where to rotate the touchpanel using the MVP8400...