Anyone had luck with Yamaha RXV2700 Module?
I've been trying to use the Duet module from AMX on the Yamaha RXV2700 receiver. To this point, all I'm experiencing is mostly intermittent functioning. It works great for a few minutes and then won't respond at all. Any experiences or suggestions from anyone? I've rechecked the pinouts several times and they are according to the included module doc.
I tried increasing the DUET memory from 8M to 12M and that did nothing. I then added the new Queue_and_Threshold_Sizes.axi. Before the queue axi file was implemented the control of the Yamaha was sluggish. After the Queue_and_Threshold_Sizes.axi did its magic the Yamaha response increased dramatically ? for a few minutes ? until the program hung itself. I also tried 16M for the DUET memory size.
Below are the Java errors I captured in Diagnostics. After the Java exceptions, it looks like the programmed leaked memory for a while, then the other master in the system dropped offline, then the 4 touch panels in the system went offline, and finally I got booted from my connection with Netlinx Studio.
Some other oddities I noticed before Netlinx when boom:
1) When I tried to do a ?Verify TKN on Netlinx Master? the connection the master was established but the verify never responded. The option to verify remained grayed out.
2) I had all notifications turned on and saw normal system traffic until the Java errors at which point all traffic stopped completely with one exception. If the Yamaha receiver was operated from the front panel then the incoming strings that the Yamaha itself generated were logged in diagnostics.
3) The DUET virtual devices reported going Offline. I didn?t think a virtual device could go offline; maybe it?s different with DUET.
4) The Netlinx master web interface was super super slooooow, completely unusable.
5) When I do a show max buffers via telnet the Interpreter reports back with 2000 which I?m guessing is way to high. (This reported back this way before the queue axi file was added and also afterwards)
It?s after hours so I can?t contact AMX until the morning. Anyone got any ideas?
The module is very buggy - I've reported in detail a touchpanel bug I discovered as well as reporting lockups to AMX. I've already chewed out enough people at AMX, and supposedly they're working on the issue now. When it'll get fixed, who knows. They were totally unaware of any problems - and this was as the 25th, four days ago.
My solution? I wrote my own module.
You should only have 2-3-5 connected between the controller and the Yamaha.
The module will probably turn the handshake back on so you need to put in a delay in startup or something to turn it back off..
I had the same problem on a 3100, Amx says there isn't a problem yet I put the same code on an NXI and it works fine..I think they have a problem..
Wow! That did the trick. I'm sure that I had jumpered 7&8 because of some previous posts but nobody mentioned turning the handshake off. I delayed it 30 seconds and as of right now everything is working perfectly. I'm going to leave it on for several hours to see if anything pops up intermittently but so far, so good. I've worked weeks on this thing! Thanks!!
I'm now only expriencing one problem - after leaving the system idle for some time, the Yamaha won't turn back on. If I restart the NI, everything responds great. I'm wondering if all the other controls will quit responding now after an extended idle time. I'll reboot it and leave it on today and report back.
It has been my experience that when duet modules are created, if at anytime the module has a problem it will kill the device in the system and recreate the setup parameters.
IE Create and offline event then a new online event resetting all parameters. Not every one does this but I have found several that have.
Last year I had an issue with a pool controller that would degrade the communication until lock up.
In the end I wrote my own non duet module to control the device.
Statistically, I have had a very few of the AMX factory produced duet modules work flawlessly, right out the gates, when I do find one I count my luck stars.
The protocol for the Yamaha is not as scary as the horribly written pdfs make it out to be.
What functions are you trying to use?
I can give some help if you would like to create your own code.
Here are the 2 files that I got for it. I get Yamaha stuff from this website: