Weather / Water Proof Remote
in AMX Hardware
Does anyone know if AMX has any plans to release a Weather / Water Proof maybe similar to C*****ON's Soap on a Rope? ( but hopefully a little more stylish, and maybe something that actually works... )
I have sent in product requests a couple of times to AMX Tech Support requesting just this thing, but yet no joy...
Does any one have any other ideas about how to achieve full function remotes in the Bath... ( I design for Private Yachts, and we do a lot of Bathroom TV's... )
Any insights would be really appreaciated
I have sent in product requests a couple of times to AMX Tech Support requesting just this thing, but yet no joy...
Does any one have any other ideas about how to achieve full function remotes in the Bath... ( I design for Private Yachts, and we do a lot of Bathroom TV's... )
Any insights would be really appreaciated
I know that the U1 remote of RTI ( can be loaded with an "IR code" which the unit will send as AMX RF codes.
Seems that they will bring a larger U2 next year which is also waterresist, but I don't know if this one can also be loaded with that "IR code".
U1 It is good, but we too have installations where it would be very good to use the natatorial remote. I do not understand why AMX does not pay to it attention, in fact AMX in one of directions of business declares yachts, presence of such devices is necessary in my opinion!
Best regards!
While the code/RF part of the one we tried works very well....
I can't say many good things about the water proof remote itself. We've had ours replaced twice. I'd say the proper term for them would be 'water resistant' we've had ours full of water three times. Pool water is not good for batteries nor electronics.
We warned the client to keep it out of the pool/hot tub. It likes to play in the water, not live there.