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NI master firmware v3.21.354

I'm in a firmware-bug-reporting mood this morning. Has anyone else noticed the following problems with NI master v3.21.354? I'm seeing the following on NI-3100s.

1. Persistant variables are often lost on power failure. This is not consistent across my whole fleet of NI-3100 (12 master), but frequent enough to force me to read/write all such values from/to XML files instead. Very frustrating, but now that I've written the code to handle it, I doubt that I'll be using persistant variables again. In the long run, I've found the XML file approach to be easier to manage with multiple units.

2. This one is applicable to all Duet firmwares, verified on NI-700, NI-3000 & NI-3100. The FTP DirListing response has changed, which upsets some FTP clients. Compare the two directory listings below:
//non-duet format
<permissions> 1 user group <file size> <date & time> <filename>

//duet format
<permissions> 1 0 0 <file size> <date & time> <filename>
Note that the user & group fields are now '0' rather than 'user' & 'group'. This mucks up my GUI ftp client, WS_FTP. Instead of each file or directory being listed as such, they all appear as a "file" (including directories) with the filesize being used for the name. It seems that the interpretation of DirListings are left to the client. The WinXP command line client works okay, but I'd rather stick with my GUI client if possible. Is there any harm for the FTP server to fill out the <user> & <group> fields with default values?

Roger McLean
Swinburne University
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