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AXC-232 Control Card

I am trying to utilize 2 AXC-232 control card in an Axcess card frame to control two Pioneer PDP-505's. With the original code loaded on the Master card, the Pioneers respond to strings sent to them, only since the strings were written for 503's the inputs are no longer correct. When I remove the master card and connect my NI-700 via AxLink as the new master, I lose the plasmas. I read somewhere that since the cards are set by the dip switches, DATA_EVENTS are not really needed. Just for grins and giggles, I removed the following lines from my code:

Repeated for plasma 2. Still no joy. I know the stappings and cables are correct since they do work properly (well, properly in the sense that they talk to the plasmas) with the Axcess code running. Is there anything I need to declare somewhere in my code to get those things talking? It frustrates me that it works with the old code, but not the new code. I wish I had a copy of the old code to look at.


  • The baud rate for the AXC-232 cards needs to be set via the dip switches on the card.


  • Yes, everything is strapped correctly. The dip switches are right, the jumpers are right, etc. I just don't get why they communicate with the old code, but not with the new code.
  • AuserAuser Posts: 506
    To ask a silly question, have you checked that the AXC cards appear in the online tree in NS2? I quite often see individual cards in Axcess frames not come online when the Netlinx connected to the cardframe is rebooted. Unlikely in your case given that it sounds like the problem is repeatable and restricted to these two cards I suppose.

    Are the LED's on the front of the cards indicating that data is being sent and or received?

    Either way does your Axcess code turn on hardware or software handshaking on the card, which the NetLinx code isn't doing?

    If all else is good, using send_command 'CHARD-<insert value here>' to increase the character delay may help.
  • another silly question how do you have them defined? I have found that when talking to a Axcess chassis it likes the old notation ie plas1 = 1 (slot 1 in old card frame)

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