I guess you'd just need to have a table of dates and corresponding strings, and compare the current date to each of them in a loop. The function would return 0 if no match, and if it matched one, return the line number of the matched holiday.
I made a simple function for the easy holidays that occur on a fixed date and I modified my Time function to keep track of how manys times every day occurrs each month since alot of holidays are like Thanksgiving where I need to count the times a certain day occurs in a month so when I get to the 4th Thursday in November I now know it's Thanksgiving. Labor day and memorial day are also like this but Easter seems to be a bit more complicately.
Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the first full moon after the vernal (spring) equinox. It can fall anywhere between March 22 and April 25.
I need some sort of algorithm to figure this out or a way to figure out when the first full moon is after the vernal equinox (March 20, 2007, at precisely 8:07 P.M. EDT). I parse RSS weather any way which I believe gives lunar phases so if I truly wanted to I could look for this and look for the following Sunday. I never realized how complicated holidays were.
My wife always complains that the only holidays I know are Christmas, New Years and the 4th of July of course but I had to think for a second to remember what the 4th July actuall was. Now I know why, they make no logical sense!
Labor day and memorial day are also like this but Easter seems to be a bit more complicately.
I need some sort of algorithm to figure this out or a way to figure out when the first full moon is after the vernal equinox (March 20, 2007, at precisely 8:07 P.M. EDT).
At the bottom of the linked page is an Easter algorithm written in BASIC.
Or you can take the easy route and just use a lookup table:
List of Easter Sunday Dates 2000-2099
23rd April 2000 20th April 2025 10th April 2050 7th April 2075
15th April 2001 5th April 2026 2nd April 2051 19th April 2076
31st March 2002 28th March 2027 21st April 2052 11th April 2077
20th April 2003 16th April 2028 6th April 2053 3rd April 2078
11th April 2004 1st April 2029 29th March 2054 23rd April 2079
27th March 2005 21st April 2030 18th April 2055 7th April 2080
16th April 2006 13th April 2031 2nd April 2056 30th March 2081
8th April 2007 28th March 2032 22nd April 2057 19th April 2082
23rd March 2008 17th April 2033 14th April 2058 4th April 2083
12th April 2009 9th April 2034 30th March 2059 26th March 2084
4th April 2010 25th March 2035 18th April 2060 15th April 2085
24th April 2011 13th April 2036 10th April 2061 31st March 2086
8th April 2012 5th April 2037 26th March 2062 20th April 2087
31st March 2013 25th April 2038 15th April 2063 11th April 2088
20th April 2014 10th April 2039 6th April 2064 3rd April 2089
5th April 2015 1st April 2040 29th March 2065 16th April 2090
27th March 2016 21st April 2041 11th April 2066 8th April 2091
16th April 2017 6th April 2042 3rd April 2067 30th March 2092
1st April 2018 29th March 2043 22nd April 2068 12th April 2093
21st April 2019 17th April 2044 14th April 2069 4th April 2094
12th April 2020 9th April 2045 30th March 2070 24th April 2095
4th April 2021 25th March 2046 19th April 2071 15th April 2096
17th April 2022 14th April 2047 10th April 2072 31st March 2097
9th April 2023 5th April 2048 26th March 2073 20th April 2098
31st March 2024 18th April 2049 15th April 2074 12th April 2099
The look up table for Easter is probably the simplest approch.
Original I only wanted holidays that I could make distict door chimes for; the Turkey gobble for thanksgiving, jingle sleigh bells for Christmas starting on the 20th and a Wereworlf howling for Halloween but then I figured why not display all of them when they occur under the current date and time on the main page. Then I could create a seperate look up table for personal days like birthdays and annaversaries if I choose.
There werea couple methods that Dave posted; one being a 2 pole door buton the 2nd being a 24v relay or something plugged into a dedicated port on the phone system so on a door button push you forward a call or something like that to that port. I was hoping the system would simply give me and idication out the SMDR port that I could parse out but Dave said that type of notification isn't supported.
In this particular job I have addtional wires at the door phone so I'm likely going to install a 2 pole relay cuz I can't find a decent 2 pole push button that matches the one that comes with the Channel Vison Door phone. On the door button push I pull in the double pole relay of which one side would go to AMX and the other side just does what the door button did. I haven't gotten around to this yet so I still working with the "Spy" motion detectors that I installed in the porch ceilings above the steps leading to the door. These trigger the cameras and the door chime but the one at the front door tend to give false alarms on occasion so I only allow it to initiate chime between 0600 - 2200 on holidays until I get a chance to do the relay thing.
If anyone has a link to decent 2 pole push buttons I would really prefer that over any thing else but if not I think a 2 pole relay would be the next best thing. Spy motion are pretty neat and only a 1" diameter flush mount detector but I don't like the occasional false trigger although I've never had an issue with the side door so maybe I should try and replace the one in front.
My wife always complains that the only holidays I know are Christmas, New Years and the 4th of July of course but I had to think for a second to remember what the 4th July actuall was. Now I know why, they make no logical sense!
Or you can take the easy route and just use a lookup table:
List of Easter Sunday Dates 2000-2099
In come countries, the first day of a month is determined by whether the moon can be seen. If there's cloud, it shifts to the next day...
Original I only wanted holidays that I could make distict door chimes for; the Turkey gobble for thanksgiving, jingle sleigh bells for Christmas starting on the 20th and a Wereworlf howling for Halloween but then I figured why not display all of them when they occur under the current date and time on the main page. Then I could create a seperate look up table for personal days like birthdays and annaversaries if I choose.
In an earlier thread you said you wanted to trigger door chimes off of the Panasonic Door Phones. Did you figure out a way to make that happen?
In this particular job I have addtional wires at the door phone so I'm likely going to install a 2 pole relay cuz I can't find a decent 2 pole push button that matches the one that comes with the Channel Vison Door phone. On the door button push I pull in the double pole relay of which one side would go to AMX and the other side just does what the door button did. I haven't gotten around to this yet so I still working with the "Spy" motion detectors that I installed in the porch ceilings above the steps leading to the door. These trigger the cameras and the door chime but the one at the front door tend to give false alarms on occasion so I only allow it to initiate chime between 0600 - 2200 on holidays until I get a chance to do the relay thing.
If anyone has a link to decent 2 pole push buttons I would really prefer that over any thing else but if not I think a 2 pole relay would be the next best thing. Spy motion are pretty neat and only a 1" diameter flush mount detector but I don't like the occasional false trigger although I've never had an issue with the side door so maybe I should try and replace the one in front.