Biamp Audia Module?

Hi need to know if some has found or writen a module or block of code to control a Biamp AudiaFlex. The most important part that I need, is the section to control the TI-2 card. That is a teleconference card.
Thanks in advance...
Thanks in advance...
Thank you. I still need that portion of the telephone interface. But thanks anyway..
The Audia RS232 Control Manual available on the Biamp website contains the whole host of commands for the TI-2 card and outlines the protocol which is pretty straightforward. They behave the same whether using the RS232 or Telnet comms interface. The Telnet interface is actually a raw socket and doesn't require Telnet negotiation.
I suggest hooking the Audia up to a NetLinx and using the terminal interface on the NetLinx to send some sample strings to the Audia to get the hang of how Biamp "ATP" commands are made up.
These will probably get you started...
send_string <d: p:s>,"'GET <device ID> TIHOOKSTATE <dialler instance ID>',$0A"
send_string <d: p:s>,"'SET <device ID> TIHOOKSTATE <dialler instance ID> <value>',$0A" (where <value> = '0' or '1')
send_string <d: p:s>,"'DIAL <device ID> TIPHONENUM <dialler instance ID> <phone number string>',$0A"
Obviously, anything inside '<>' should be replaced with the appropriate value for your situation.
Note: Off the top of my head I'm pretty sure that the protocol indicates that LF should be used as the command terminator as opposed to CR or CR,LF and that Audias/Nexias don't like the latter combinations to end commands.
Double Note: Make sure the Audia firmware is up to date. Recent releases of the Audia/Nexia firmware have had bugs that make the TI-2/Nexia TC diallers virtually unusable. This is resolved in the current firmware versions.
I just saw a release of a Duet Biamp Audia / Nexia module!!!!
... and from the documentation, it also supports the telephone modul.
Thank you so much ....
I'm currently trying out the Biamp using the module for dialing and it work fine with some status feedback.
But as usual on the conference duet module the phonebook is not working. It dun retrieve the speed dialing phone address which pre-recorded into the Audia. Anyone had a success in dealing with this?
Need some help to handle this...
I had to do this
I am not able to get Fader level feedback from the Biamp Duet module. Is there any way possible?
Yes the Fader Level works in the module. There is no unsolicited feedback from the Biamp, so you have to enable polling in order to get the feedback from the your registered control points. Polling is needed only if the AMX system is not the only thing that is controlling it.