Help with code?
Carlos Negron
Posts: 30
Hi, I am a little new in programming and I have been assign a project to control a Biamp Audia Flex with a NI-3100 and a Modero 8400. I'm having some trouble controling the TI-2 card. This is a telephone interface card. Need to write some code to control the dialing process. I need to build the number to dial and then send the command. If some one has a block of code that works with this or something familiar, would be very helpful.
With that info, you can set it up so that when the TI-2 is off hook and a user presses dialing keypad buttons, you'll do something like:
That would be for Biamp unit number 1, where the instance number for the TI-2 symbol is 99, and you wanted it to send out DTMF for the 5 button.
When the unit is on hook, you'll want to take keypad presses and add them to a string variable:
DialString = "DialString,'4'"
That would add a 4 to whatever number is already being "built". You could follow up each of these with code that sends the number currently in the string to the touch panel for display. When the user is done punching in numbers and hits "Dial" on the touch panel, you would just do this:
SEND_STRING Biamp, "'DIAL 1 TIPHONENUM 99 ',DialString,$0A"
You might want to get the Biamp from the project you're working on set up in your office with with an AMX controller and touch panel to work all of it out...
- Chip
Hi, I am a little new in programming and I have been assign a project to control DTMF
i want to bringing status line telephone in AXB-DTMF.....
.....Line Connect and Line Disconnect or Line missing ....
can you help me to ptcl...or sample program to control and show status in TP
Thank you very much ...
If you do a search on for DTMF (not AXB-DTMF), select the result that has the title: - AXB-DTMF+ - DTMF Interface . There is a link to the Instruction Manual, and contained in there is the documentation regarding its programming.
If this does not provide you with the answers you need, check out this post for some suggestions for obtaining assistance with programming here on the forums:
I can open file Document /Manual AXB-DTMF+ for the assign project AMx
I want to Feedback On-HOOK / OFF-HOOK
ON: { ON [TP,1]}
OFF: { OFF[TP,1]}
ON: { ON [TP,1]}
OFF: { OFF[TP,1]}
I can assign in program but not work to feedback....
You can test or sample program in control ...
You might also want to try using different buttons (or commenting out one of the two events) to be sure that they aren't canceling out each other. Because both events are changing channel 1 on the TP, it is possible that things are happening so quickly that you are not seeing the state changes. If you see events being generated, then this is the most likely cause. If you don't see events being generated, I would suggest you call tech support. They should be able to help you get things straightened out.