Radia Dimmers... Levels?
in AMX Hardware
Do Radia dimmers have levels or device channels?
I do all my Radia programming with SEND_STRINGSs. It would be nice if there were channels that could go on for ramping and levels for easy bar graph application, like would be found on an a VOL3.
Thanks in advance!
Do Radia dimmers have levels or device channels?
I do all my Radia programming with SEND_STRINGSs. It would be nice if there were channels that could go on for ramping and levels for easy bar graph application, like would be found on an a VOL3.
Thanks in advance!
I need source code for radia eclipse RE-DM6 for netlinx studio 2
- Chip
I have one of the REALLY earlier Radia dimmers packs that doesn't even speak Axlink. It communicates via RS-232. It's not the fastest ship at sea, but it does do a pretty good job. The levels on it are sent out as strings. So, you do have to deal with a rather slow responce as far as the user (me) is concerned. The pokiness of it doesn't bother me much as I programmed the dumb thing.
Perhaps that what this person is dealing with...