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NI700 and Philips Pronto

I have Ni700 and PhilipsPronto remote controller. I would like to control DVD player that is connected to Com port 1 on Ni700 with Philips Pronto.

Do anyone have code sample, I have found some module, but is does not work.

I have attached that module file that i have.


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    If you go to remote central (www.remotecentral.com) you will be able to find a Pronto file that contains a capture of an AMX IR Remote. If you load that into your Pronto, you can then point it at the IR receiver on the NI-700.

    The IR reciever's channel will then show a button_event when you pulse the Pronto. You can have up to 255 channels on the pronto to work with. You'll have to label them whatever you want.

    I will warn you that there are a few bad captures on the file. I think I found something like 5-6 that don't work. However, that should be plenty of channels to control a DVD player.

    I've done a pretty sophisicated system with both normal AMX touch panels and secondary MX-700 remotes using the same idea. It works pretty well.

    However, there are major issues if you're are trying to simultaneously use the NI-700s IR reciever and then pulse the IR emitter on the same NI-700. both devices apparently use the same resources and conflict when you try to use them at the same time. Found this out after driving myself insane troubleshooting the matter.

    hope that helps.

  • VladaPUBVladaPUB Posts: 139
    I need to control Ni700 with Pronto over WiFi network !
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    VladaPUB wrote:
    I need to control Ni700 with Pronto over WiFi network !

    Oh, well that might be pretty simple then. Just create an IP interface within your Netlinx program on the appropriate port and let the Pronto connect to it.
    I'm not familiar with the Pronto's abilities (or lack thereof) to communicate over IP. But, if it does it, you should be able to get the Netlinx master to communicate with it.

    After looking at the module you sent, it seems pretty straight-forward. You'll get a button push from the virtual device in the module when it gets a button push from the Pronto. The buttons are a 1 to 1 correspondence. ex. button 21 on the Pronto will equal button 21 on the virtual device.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    What Pronto? Is it an IR Pronto or are you using the RF adapter or possibly the iPronto space ship thing?
  • The new 9600 and 9400 have full Wifi built in with their own programming language based on Javascript. I've been patiently waiting for someone with more skills then me to make a module to integrate it.

    Definitely more possibilities then the iPronto.

    Kevin D.
  • VladaPUBVladaPUB Posts: 139
    I have attached that pronto module that I have found on web, but for some reaseon it does not work. Meabye I am doing something wrong, but I am not a AMX and Pronto expert, so I realy need help about this.
  • VladaPUBVladaPUB Posts: 139
    ericmedley wrote:
    Oh, well that might be pretty simple then. Just create an IP interface within your Netlinx program on the appropriate port and let the Pronto connect to it.
    I'm not familiar with the Pronto's abilities (or lack thereof) to communicate over IP. But, if it does it, you should be able to get the Netlinx master to communicate with it.

    After looking at the module you sent, it seems pretty straight-forward. You'll get a button push from the virtual device in the module when it gets a button push from the Pronto. The buttons are a 1 to 1 correspondence. ex. button 21 on the Pronto will equal button 21 on the virtual device.

    Can you post a sample code, or just part of code ?
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    VladaPUB wrote:
    Can you post a sample code, or just part of code ?

    I'm going to guess that you haven't declared the module.

    in your code you'll want to these things in the correct parts of the code.
    dv_Pronto = 0:05:0
    vdv_Pronto = 33101:01:0
    INTEGER vPronto_Port_Number=(whatever IP Port the Pronto communicates on.  I don't know this myself.  You should be able to find it in the Proto documentation)
    DEFINE_MODULE 'Pronto_Module' Pronto_1(vdv_Pronto, dv_Pronto,vPronto_Port_Number)

    You need to add the module to the project. You do this by right-clicking on the Module folder in the Workspace manager window. select 'Add existing module' from the drop menu. Browse to the module file called Pronto_Module and import it to the project.

    If you get a good complile you're now ready to program for the pronto.

    I'm not sure what setup you'll have to do with the Pronto itself. My guess is that you'll have to tell the Pronto to look for the IP address of the Netlinx master since it seems to need to initiate the conversation.

    Once everything is talking, you should see button pushes on the Pronto as button pushes on the virtual device.

    So let's assume you make buton number 101 on the Pronto a play button for a DVD player.
    BUTTON_EVENT[vdv_Pronto,101] // play dvd

    There's also something I noticed in the module you may want to change.

    I'd change the line below

    (*          DEVICE NUMBER DEFINITIONS GO BELOW             *)
    [color=blue][b][size=4]dvMASTER = 0:1:1[/size][/b][/color]
    (*               CONSTANT DEFINITIONS GO BELOW             *)


    dvMASTER 0:1:0

    The example above assumes you are making the Master's system number '1'. You may or may not be. If you change it to '0' it'll work for whatever your system number may be.

    Hope this helps
  • Do you have the other side of the module? The file that goes in the Pronto? Without out it and the programming included in it, the AMX side isn't going to do anything.

    Kevin D.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    shr00m-dew wrote:
    Do you have the other side of the module? The file that goes in the Pronto? Without out it and the programming included in it, the AMX side isn't going to do anything.

    Kevin D.
    Like I said, I do not know anything about the Pronto side of things in this situation. If I were you I'd scour the Remote Central site and see if you can cull anything about it there. From what I see in the AMX module, it doesn't look too difficult. The communication protocol seems to be pretty simple.

  • I found the attached module that a French guy wrote at remotecentral.com. I haven't tested it yet, but looks promissing. At bthe moment, I am integrating the Pronto via IR using the AMX 255 IR codes and a MIO-IRXX. If anybody gets this working. I would love to see the final result.

  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    You sure?
    ericmedley wrote:
    However, there are major issues if you're are trying to simultaneously use the NI-700s IR reciever and then pulse the IR emitter on the same NI-700. both devices apparently use the same resources and conflict when you try to use them at the same time.
    Are you sure that?s an accurate statement, Eric? IR in and IR out are different port numbers and the limitation you cited does not exist according to good folks at AMX.

    Is it possible the IR device you tried to control got flooded with the AMX IR codes sent by the handheld remote and the native device IR codes sent by the NI-700 at the same time causing your IR device to freak out?

    I?ve seen that happen before, the last time was with a Yamaha YSP-1000. The YSP was unresponsive when it saw the AMX IR codes and its native IR codes at the same time. As soon as the eye of the Yamaha was out of site so that it couldn?t see the AMX IR codes sent by the handheld remote, all was fine.
  • JoeJoe Posts: 99
    Joe Hebert wrote:
    Are you sure that?s an accurate statement, Eric? IR in and IR out are different port numbers and the limitation you cited does not exist according to good folks at AMX.

    Is it possible the IR device you tried to control got flooded with the AMX IR codes sent by the handheld remote and the native device IR codes sent by the NI-700 at the same time causing your IR device to freak out?

    I?ve seen that happen before, the last time was with a Yamaha YSP-1000. The YSP was unresponsive when it saw the AMX IR codes and its native IR codes at the same time. As soon as the eye of the Yamaha was out of site so that it couldn?t see the AMX IR codes sent by the handheld remote, all was fine.

    I've also run into the same situation but using the old AXR-ISRM+ boxes. I was using a Pronto with AMX IR codes to talk to the master, which then sent the IR code back to the TV. Single commands worked fine, but push-hold events like volume ramping simply wouldn't work. Drove me crazy, to the point where I just put the volume control codes directly on the Pronto and bypassed the AMX.

  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Are you guys talking a problem where the master can't simultaneously recieve IR and send IR at the same time or with in a reasonable offset. Or is it a problem where the IR being generated by the remote and the subsequent IR generated by the master is arriving at the device at the same time cuz the IR from the remote is passing through the flasher that supplies IR from the master causing a dirty IR signal? Actually I think I just repeated what Joe Hebert said.
  • JoeJoe Posts: 99
    vining wrote:
    Are you guys talking a problem where the master can't simultaneously recieve IR and send IR at the same time or with in a reasonable offset. Or is it a problem where the IR being generated by the remote and the subsequent IR generated by the master is arriving at the device at the same time cuz the IR from the remote is passing through the flasher that supplies IR from the master causing a dirty IR signal? Actually I think I just repeated what Joe Hebert said.

    I've covered the IR receiver on the TV set and placed the AMX receiver around the corner and it still gives me the problem. It really seems like the master can't receive and pulse IRs at the same time.

  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Joe wrote:
    Single commands worked fine, but push-hold events like volume ramping simply wouldn't work.
    Joe wrote:
    I've covered the IR receiver on the TV set and placed the AMX receiver around the corner and it still gives me the problem. It really seems like the master can't receive and pulse IRs at the same time.
    I hate to disagree with my namesake also but this code works fine and volume ramps as expected as long as the eye of the Sony isn?t in the line of fire from the MX-850 remote.
    dvSonyRecvr	= 5001:3:0	//IR out to Sony STG-DG810 receiver
    dvRemote	= 5001:5:0	//IR RX from MX-850 remote
    BUTTON_EVENT[dvRemote,1] {
       PUSH: {
          TO[dvSonyRecvr,24] //ramp volume up
    BUTTON_EVENT[dvRemote,2] {
       PUSH: {
          TO[dvSonyRecvr,25] //ramp volume down
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Joe Hebert wrote:
    I hate to disagree with my namesake also but this code works fine and volume ramps as expected as long as the eye of the Sony isn?t in the line of fire from the MX-850 remote.

    It did not always fail. One thing that we seemed to figure out is that it was worse depending upon the rates of the IR files.

    I may not be correct for the purpose of this thread, but I seem to remember the AMX IR file and the ComCast cable box as having a similar or close flash rate. However, in one room we were doing an older Runco plasma that had a rate in the 50s. That seemed to cause lots of problems.

    And, as I said, Jon and Steve at AMX were working with me and were able to reproduce the problem in Dallas. It's something they're aware of.

    Also, concerning the eye being in line, the Runco was wired IR. There was no IR emmitter involved.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    ericmedley wrote:
    And, as I said, Jon and Steve at AMX were working with me and were able to reproduce the problem in Dallas. It's something they're aware of.
    That’s not the story I’m getting from them. The problem they're aware of is some IR devices can’t handle seeing AMX IR codes and its own native device IR codes at the same time. They also said that the NI-700 can send and receive IR at the same time. There is no conflict of resources and for what it’s worth that has been my experience as well.

    Edit: Forgot the word not.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Joe Hebert wrote:
    That?s not the story I?m getting from them. The problem they're aware of is some IR devices can?t handle seeing AMX IR codes and its own native device IR codes at the same time. They also said that the NI-700 can send and receive IR at the same time. There is no conflict of resources and for what it?s worth that has been my experience as well.

    Edit: Forgot the word not.

    That's all well and good. But it still doesn't explain the wired IR on the display. you can turn off the IR eye in the front of the panel so it is not even in the picture. So, unless the IR light photons can run around the back side of the display and magically turn themselves into elctrons and create enough current to interfere with the incoming electricity I don't see how IR interference can be discussed.

    Another little clue is that the Red LED indicator of IR activity on the NI-700 is significantly darker when what I'm describing occurs.

    I'm not sure why tech support is throwing me under the bus on this occasion. I did have the discussions with them and I document what we talk about every time I call. It's part of our process here. I'm not sure why someone would infer that I'd lie about such a thing. But, alas and anon.
  • SMCSISMCSI Posts: 16
    I've been playing about with the module that was posted on Remotecentral and I've changed things around a little bit. Mostly did it to learn for myself how to do the communication between the TSU9400 and AMX controller.

    The original module converted pronto actions into button presses, but I thought this was a bit of a waste of time as the pronto can be used to send string commands to the controller. The controller can then act on the strings, a bit like responding to a device.

    I've just set it up so when the AMX test page is accessed the pronto asks AMX to update the text on a panel on the pronto. It does this by sending the command 'UD-Radio' when the page is accessed. The controller then sends a string to the pronto with the info for that panel.

    This is just playing really, but if it helps anyone to start writing integration then good stuff!
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