Yamaha RXV2700 dimension mismatch
I'm new to using Duet modules and so far have had pretty good success. I've been incorporating the Duet module for the Yamaha RXV2700 and am fine until I create a dev variable for the multiple touch panels. When I do and compile I get the following errors:
ERROR: C:\AMX\Netlinx Studio Projects\JClark\JClark.axs(547): L20585: Dimension mismatch: [0] vs. [1]
ERROR: C:\AMX\Netlinx Studio Projects\JClark\JClark.axs(547): L20211: Type or dimension conflict for [MMENUCMP1]
I have gone to the effected modules and changed the module name line to expect an array of TP (i.e. added []). This has worked with all the other modules I've incorporated in the project, probably 6 or 7 but it's not working with this Yamaha module. Can anybody steer me in the right direction to be able to use the module with multiple touch panels?
ERROR: C:\AMX\Netlinx Studio Projects\JClark\JClark.axs(547): L20585: Dimension mismatch: [0] vs. [1]
ERROR: C:\AMX\Netlinx Studio Projects\JClark\JClark.axs(547): L20211: Type or dimension conflict for [MMENUCMP1]
I have gone to the effected modules and changed the module name line to expect an array of TP (i.e. added []). This has worked with all the other modules I've incorporated in the project, probably 6 or 7 but it's not working with this Yamaha module. Can anybody steer me in the right direction to be able to use the module with multiple touch panels?
Your best bet is to create a virtual device, and combine it with all your panels, then pass the virtual device to the module.