Good Professional Quality DVDR
Does anybody know of a decent standalone DVDR that doesn't expect to have CATV hooked up to it that also has audio meters? The current DVDR I have goes into setup mode every time I turn it on because it doesn't have CATV hooked up, and it requires the remote to get it out of setup, and I don't like that, and I can't check that audio is going into it or check the levels because there are no meters at all.
I'm also looking for something fairly reliable, I've had the consumer deck I've been using crap out on me a few times during something I need to be recording, and thats relatively unacceptable as well
I'm also looking for something fairly reliable, I've had the consumer deck I've been using crap out on me a few times during something I need to be recording, and thats relatively unacceptable as well