Sending IR with Serial Port
in AMX Hardware
i've got a question. In found in the software History, that we could send serial commands with an IR port ( only unidirectionnal commands).
For a new application, with an NI 3000 controler, i need about 12 IR ports. I need to control about 21 devices, but several are differents and several are the same. I mix ir files to use one port for two differents devices. That's why with that special Ir mix file need only 12 ports now.
But on an Ni 3000, there are only 8 Ir ports. So i need to bought a NXC IRS4 card with a netlinx box for about 700 euros. In this application i don't need the 7 serial ports. So my question is, as we could use ir port as serial port, is it possible to use serial ports as Ir ports?
sorry for my poor english.
Thank you !
i've got a question. In found in the software History, that we could send serial commands with an IR port ( only unidirectionnal commands).
For a new application, with an NI 3000 controler, i need about 12 IR ports. I need to control about 21 devices, but several are differents and several are the same. I mix ir files to use one port for two differents devices. That's why with that special Ir mix file need only 12 ports now.
But on an Ni 3000, there are only 8 Ir ports. So i need to bought a NXC IRS4 card with a netlinx box for about 700 euros. In this application i don't need the 7 serial ports. So my question is, as we could use ir port as serial port, is it possible to use serial ports as Ir ports?
sorry for my poor english.
Thank you !
So if i need to use a Accent controler only for IR ports, i need to use a Ni 900 or 700 to have a network acces. This application is for medical rooms, so i don't want to work with old parts of amx. Any other ideas?
Thnak you for this first answer!
(Sorry, cheap shot)
and buy some IR cards with it. Not the cheapest of solutions, but works very well
it's because i'm in a medical room. I can't have Rs 232 link because of electrical problems. I can only have "optical" link. I know Ir is a cheap solution, but i've not the choice!
Too expensive, only for more 4 ir. (already 8 on the Ni 3000, and NXC-IRS4 + ni3000 is cheaper than one NXF without any cards + Master )
In fact my initial question is not about other IR equipments, my question is only if we could use RS232 ports on a Ni controler, as IR port.. that's all ...
If you use emitters, the IR port is modulated, and the serial port doesn't have that capacity. If you are using a wired jack that doesn't require a carrier (like the Pioneer control jacks), you might be able to do it by sending the hex of the IR code directly to the port.
But emitters, definitely not.
Allow me to second the proposal that you use an Axcent3. An NI3000+Axcent3 is cheaper than an NI3000+NXC-IRS4.
Also consider the AXB-IRS4, which is still available. 4 IR Outputs, but no need to buy a cardframe for them.
I'm not sure what your aversion to using "old parts of amx" is, but if you want to do this cheap, you're gonna have to use the older stuff.
ok thank you all for your responses, in fact my client has already several accent systems. So I may use accent as slave with a ni3000 or an other netlinx controler.
I never read about sending ir though rs port that's why i just ask about that..
thank you !
I don't know ... is it Global Cache lucky day... every time I been asked about something I answer with Global Cache..
Instead of extending your IR ports with AMX equipments (expensive), you may use GC-100 series (Network adapters) GC-100-12 has 2 RS232 ports, 3 relays, 6 IR ports
around 250USD, but you have to ... kinda complicate your code, because you are pulsing IR signals using send_string via IP link.
and you might need a GC-IRL which is the global cache ir learner (around 100USD)
No you won't, Why it would be needed?
but I have never actually done it, but I was close.... we considered using GC because of the distances
how can you convert a AMX IR file to the string you need for the GC-100 ??