Webcontrol error
Posts: 25
Trying to connect to NI-3000 master using IE7 in Vista, getting file download popup. Do I need to install Java?
AMX has told me that they currently do NOT support Vista for web panel control. That's a bummer in one of my installs since they use a laptop to control their kitchen. the bought a new one with Vista and it freaked out. AMX tech support said wait 'till later and they'll get 'round to doing Vista.
In all fairness, a lot of IE in Vista is still running beta plugins and whatnot. It's not stable right now. I've noticed on my machines running it, several websites do not work at all.
I too have tried turning off everything but still no joy, would be keen to know just how deep you went as I am currently toting a 2nd Laptop running XP to test sites that are remote to work-site sometimes 1000KM apart running multiple Master to Master sessions
Consider using VNC Viewer instead of WebControl
VNC Viewer is free www.realvnc.com
I am using NX-CV7 touchpanel and also I am using real VNC to view the touch panel on lan and wan.
and from my touch panel i can monitor my cctv and other video display attached to my AMX system.
Now my question is, When I try to use the VNC viewer all control buttons are working fine but I cannot see the display of my CCTV camera and other video in the box provided.
Is there a solution for this?..I tried to look on VNC viewer config.... but it seems working fine.
Thanks in Advance.
It's fine with a good broadband connection.
And only if its IP streaming video not hard wired video to the panel.
From my experience
You aren't going to get a wired video connection no matter what you do. Even "Web Control" is just a VCN implementation, and hardware connections just aren't in that spec.