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Firmware 3.30.137 issues?

we've just upgraded an NI3000 (not 3100) to this firmware. The ports are still the older firmware 2.32.148. When we load a blank program into the system, it seems to work fine. When we load our working program inside, we can't communicate on it anymore via LAN. the program was written a while back and it was working fine until quite recently.
Any ideas?

this is a program that uses DMS keypads which means we've got the kpd files loaded inside. Also we've got a text file loaded into it which the master reads for a bunch of CBUS addresses.

any ideas?


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    Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Are you using any DUET modules? If so, make sure your DUET memory is set high enough. You could also try connecting via serial cable to the processor and checking the free memory on the processor. I had a problem once running out of non-volatile memory after running two instances of the fireball module because the variables were not declared as VOLATILE :)

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    Thanks for the reply Jeff. no, we're not using any Duet stuff. But it might be using up a lot of memory in any case.. I've got to check the memory used.
    Someone upgraded the memory 'cos it was found online as the latest. Now when we try to downgrade the memory to a non-Duet version 2.32.147 (I think) - it says like 'unrecognised response - do you wish to continue?"

    so.. should we?
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