NI700 losing communication
in AMX Hardware
I have NI700 , MVP8400 and CV5 in system, connected over US Robotics switch.
After some hours working, I cannot access NI700 from NetLinx, and I cannot ping master.
When I reboot it (plug out power), it works fine for a while.
Do any one have solution, or source of the problem?
After some hours working, I cannot access NI700 from NetLinx, and I cannot ping master.
When I reboot it (plug out power), it works fine for a while.
Do any one have solution, or source of the problem?
- May be another device started to use the same IP
- Check memory status... may be it ran out of memory
If you Ni 700 does not answer on ping how you have got in telnet? If nevertheless the controller answers on ping, but you cannot come on http, what version master firmware in yours unit? If the old version I advise to update, or to use set duet memory look tech note 766
How to remove it from url list ?
Ni700 have IP witch is in URL list. Other device is PhilipsPronto remote controler.
You don't need nothing in this list unless you connect multiple Netlinx controllers together