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WEB-pages fail

Hi Everyone
I'm having a weird problem with some of the computers in my office and trying to open a web-panel. My computer works fine and opens everyone I select. However when I try to open the same WEB-panel from a different computer they lock up. I can log into the 'box' and see the tabs to select from but when I try to open the web_panel it hangs. I looked and every computer seems to have the same Java version. Has anyone else seen this problem or knows of the cure?


  • It sounds like a problem that i had a while ago. I updated a web based system using the latest tpdesign3 and it just refused to function.
    The web panel just crashed upon opening or sometimes wouldn't open at all. It had to do with AMX switching from using virtual machine from microsoft to sun.

    I installed the sun java package. That worked fine. for the client i just reverted back to using tpdesign 3.16 older build (i think 193) which worked also.
  • Thanks Dries
    What version of SUN Java are you running with? This is what we were thinking the issue was rising from. When AMX releases the Duet will it be the SUN or MS(while it lasts) version?
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159

    I believe the file you want to install is:

    j2re-1_4_2_04-windows-i586-p.exe and you can get it at:


    Stick with the Sun version. I?m 99.99% sure that DUET is Sun not Microsoft.

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Originally posted by Joe Hebert
    I?m 99.99% sure that DUET is Sun not Microsoft.


    *Crosses his over caffienated twitching fingers and hopes they didn't go with Microsoft*

    Just had to chime in :)

  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Originally posted by Spire_Jeff
    *Crosses his over caffienated twitching fingers and hopes they didn't go with Microsoft*
    Where do you want to crash today?

    Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

  • Thanks for the info Joe.

    *Crosses his over caffienated twitching fingers and hopes they didn't go with Microsoft* -Jeff: I find that more coffee with coke chasers help the twitching fingers. Just make sure it's real coffee and not that de-caff cr**.
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Originally posted by Thomas Hayes
    I find that more coffee with coke chasers help the twitching fingers. Just make sure it's real coffee and not that de-caff cr**.

    Unfortunately, when I wrote that I was down to the bottom of my last 2 liter of coke and there was no coffee available :O (Could have also been because I had skipped breakfast and lunch in favor of coding)

  • Dear Thomas. I experienced the same kind of problem right after I started using TP3 web control. I don't remember the right thing I've done to make it running without crashes, what I have now - Java version 1.4.2_03 (buid b02) - thats for the laptop I use, and something much older on a desktop (use it couple days a year). Now what I'm really shure makes it pretty stable is: a) SP 2 for XP (istalled 3 months ago), b) Mozilla Firefox as browser (for more than two years). Sorry, Microsoft, you've lost me...
  • Follow up: another thing (sure you aware of it) - latest firmware for everything. That realy helps. Good luck, D.
  • Just to make sure we are understanding everything, are you opening the Web Panel on BOTH PCs simultaneously? Or do you open on one PC, close the Web Panel, and then try to open on another PC?

    Sorry for what may seem obvious, but opening more than one session of the same panel requires some tweeking to be done at design/download time.
  • If I try to open from some of the other computers in the office the web pages fails to open. The process bar at the bottom of the screen never makes it to the end and if it does the page is displayed with no image. Everything works fine from my computer. I did the Java update and it did not make any difference.( It did make my boss's computer no longer able to open Nortel's 'Net ID' software. Opps) I am running 1 web-page instance at a time.
  • I had a problem like what you describe just the other day: Some machines could display the web panel without issue, while one machine - a service laptop - could not get a consistent link. On the laptop, the Sun Java machine would load, sometimes even completing the progress bar, and stop there with the Sun logo on the page. On rare occasions the connection would be made and the webpanel would be useable.

    The problem turned out to be some no-longer-valid DNS entries in the TCP/IP Properties for the laptop's ethernet connection. They kept the machine searching for the DNS servers until it timed out, before looking at the controller's IP address directly.

    Eliminating the DNS entries entirely allowed the laptop to go directly to the IP address of the controller within the controller's own timeout.

    I hope this helps.
  • Chip MoodyChip Moody Posts: 727
    Duet is using Sun Java...

    For web panel support, make sure to use the 1.4.x version of Java - stay away from 1.5.

    - Chip
  • sethollesetholle Posts: 66
    Web Panel Fix

    It is easy to allow multiple web panels on multiple computers all controlling the same things. You make an array of web panels. Combine them with one actual local panel for instance 11001. Link your feedback to the local. WE have 8 running with no problems all updating feedback. Sorry your web panels then are like 33001-33008. Combined with your local panel. We even control feedback from multiple masters on these web pages, between 20 or so controllers. IT works well. I don't believe anyone It has ever been written how to do this. We kind of just figured it out.
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