Portable Netlinx

Today I ran across a couple of different portable (USB) applications, and was wondering: why doesn't AMX create a portable version of Netlinx studio? Either using U3 or Ceedo. I've researched only a little on making programs portable, but right now it'd be too much of a headache, and would surely be against user agreements to do so.
So - whatch'all think? A version of NetLinx Studio (and some other needed AMX programs such as TPD4, etc.) that runs on a USB stick without having to install it on the computer? This would be great for installers that need to make a few changes without the programmer being on site. Of course, one could argue that the installer should just have NS on their computer but - I find it much easier to transfer things onto a USB disk, and give it to the installer. Ideas, criticism, etc?
So - whatch'all think? A version of NetLinx Studio (and some other needed AMX programs such as TPD4, etc.) that runs on a USB stick without having to install it on the computer? This would be great for installers that need to make a few changes without the programmer being on site. Of course, one could argue that the installer should just have NS on their computer but - I find it much easier to transfer things onto a USB disk, and give it to the installer. Ideas, criticism, etc?