Can't turn on channels
Hi all
I will simplify the question I asked here
I have a button that I can't turn its channel on on some TPS, on others TPS its ok.
Its not a code problem (not a direct one) cause the event data executed and do the other things he needs to do, only the button is not changing it state.
From some TPs it dose, from some, not. And if I restart controllers and TPs sometime the ones that didn't work start working... but most of the time its consistent.
The Channel number is 851, I understand I need to declare somthing to make it work... but I have been working with more than 255 buttons for a long time with no problems.
Also, this is not a virtual device, this is a regular panel device button.
Any idea?
I will simplify the question I asked here
I have a button that I can't turn its channel on on some TPS, on others TPS its ok.
Its not a code problem (not a direct one) cause the event data executed and do the other things he needs to do, only the button is not changing it state.
From some TPs it dose, from some, not. And if I restart controllers and TPs sometime the ones that didn't work start working... but most of the time its consistent.
The Channel number is 851, I understand I need to declare somthing to make it work... but I have been working with more than 255 buttons for a long time with no problems.
Also, this is not a virtual device, this is a regular panel device button.
Any idea?
I know this is not helpful perhaps. But, sometimes it's the simplest thing causing trouble.
good luck.
I have found that using ON and OFF for the channel are least reliable. Instead, I use an assignment: ([dvPanels, CHANNEL] = (Condition == TRUE). That's just an example, the condition could be anything, in that case the == TRUE part is redundant, you could just use (condition) if it is Boolean in nature.
I have also tried to set is like this
Without succes...
I checked it, the chennels are taking care only in this section of the code, and this is the only place that this chennel number are used.
Dave, even more than this
I am having trouble in the MAX ui modlue too from time to time.
The list is not showing the selected items states, even that it is working ok and the item is selected ( I can listen to the selected album and get its info)
the symptom is that the list is not showing its selected list..
After rebooting the controller and panel (in this order) its working for some of the TPS, but not for all of them...
There are some issues with the MAX UI. You might try temporarily taking out the MAX UI and Comm modules and see if your problem clears up.
I quit using the MAX UI for very similar reasons as you're describing. I was getting quirky feedback and unexplained page flips.
I came today to debug the problem - problem gone!!!
only one TP (NTX12V) still had this problem, from some reason, I don't know why, I went and restart the local network switch, reboot the TP - problem has gone!!!
then some buttons still didn't work, so I restarted the main controller that holds the URL list (10 controllers in this list) and everything is working...
Even worse than I thought, now I don't know what the problem was...
Today, After I distribute to all controllers and TPS - the problems is back...
some of the TPS are working, some of them are not...
Restarting main controller that holds url list and after that the master controller - helped to one TP. the others are as before...
Debugging the code gives me this notifications:
(the same code from the same controller!!!)
This is button push from TP that working ok:
Line 1 (17:21:29):: Input Status:Pushed [10007:20:6] - Channel 851
Line 2 (17:21:29):: Feedback:On [10007:20:6] - Channel 851
Line 3 (17:21:29):: Feedback:Off [10007:20:6] - Channel 852
Line 4 (17:21:29):: Command To [10007:20:6]-[@PPN-Map House Upper Listen]
Line 5 (17:21:29):: Output Channel:On [10007:20:6] - Channel 851
Line 6 (17:21:29):: Output Channel:Off [10007:20:6] - Channel 852
Line 7 (17:21:29):: Input Status:Released [10007:20:6] - Channel 851
This is a button push from TP that its not working ok:
Line 8 (17:21:31):: Input Status:Pushed [10001:20:1] - Channel 851
Line 9 (17:21:31):: Feedback:On [10001:20:1] - Channel 851
Line 10 (17:21:31):: Command To [10001:20:1]-[@PPN-Map House Upper Listen]
Line 11 (17:21:31):: Input Status:Released [10001:20:1] - Channel 851
From some reason the same code that run on one main controller, behave different...
This is the code:
DEV Panel
Panel = tpList[get_last(tpList)]
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@PPN-Map House Upper Listen'" // show popup
} // END OF - PUSH
I really don't know what to do anymore... any help will be very very appriciated.
Also, have you called tech support? They might be able to recommend checking some other settings in the processors that might be causing the problems.
I am with the support on this, I will updated as soon as I will find the solution.
Their advice is "set_virtual_port_count" and "set_virtual_channel_count" for every port.
And it must be in the online event to make sure the panel will get the message.
I made it but not for all port, so I will have to go and do that for all port from 1 to MAX PORT that I am using in the "set_virtual_port_count".
The support say its very important to do it to all ports and not only to the one I am listening on the master (that was the way I did it)
It will have to wait cause the winter got me and I am sick in my bed for 2 days now...
"set_virtual_port_count" and "set_virtual_channel_count" solved the problem.
Thanks for all