Virtual Device 36865 ?
Guy's I'm getting a Virtual Device at 36865 on my online tree? I'm doing my head in trying to find out why this is ? I've difined my virtual devices as follows: Where would Device 36865 be coming from.....
(*** VIRTUAL ***)
vdvTP = 33001:1:0
vdvTP2 = 33002:1:0
vdvLIGHTS = 33003:1:0
vdvTandberg6000 = 33004:1:0
vdvLEVELS = 33005:1:0
vdvClearOne_XAP800 = 33006:1:0
(*** VIRTUAL ***)
vdvTP = 33001:1:0
vdvTP2 = 33002:1:0
vdvLIGHTS = 33003:1:0
vdvTandberg6000 = 33004:1:0
vdvLEVELS = 33005:1:0
vdvClearOne_XAP800 = 33006:1:0