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NI-700 and Netlinx Studio

Why shoud I donwload to Ni-700 with the Netlinx Studio 2.2?
What's the different to Netlinx Studio 1.2?


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    NetLinx Studio 1.2 had a raft of communications problems, and is generally nothing near as sophisticated or polished a program as 2.x. Studio 2 will download to all your devices as well, without running seperate programs. That said, I don't believe there is anything keeping you from using 1.2, but it's my opinion that you will be far happier if you make the switch. The only reason 1.2 is around at all is because the Design Express series write 1.x files or I am certain AMX would have pulled the plug on it by now.
  • NI-700 and Netlinx Studio Version


    The original post did not specify program/IR versus firmware. It would be possible to download programs to the Master (or IR files) using Studio 1.2 but I think firmware downloads for all of the Netlinx masters and Modero touchpanels must be done through Studio 2.2 and not Studio 1.2 (or at least Studio 2 is highly recommended). I think there are some firmware updates that require Studio 2.

    You noted many of the reasons to use Studio 2.2 but I would add firmware to the list and also note that the impending release of Duet Java will only be available in the Studio 2 product line in the form of Studio 2.3 (at least that was the last information we had).

  • AFAIK Studio1.2 may(!) work with a NI-700 for a single program download, but handling with projects, firmware and diagnostics will fail, because 1.2 doesn't know this master type. (similar to the NI-2k/3k/4k without the Patch 201 of Studio 1.2)

    So I would highly recommend to install Studio2.2 Build84.
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