NI-700 and Netlinx Studio
in AMX Hardware
Why shoud I donwload to Ni-700 with the Netlinx Studio 2.2?
What's the different to Netlinx Studio 1.2?
What's the different to Netlinx Studio 1.2?
The original post did not specify program/IR versus firmware. It would be possible to download programs to the Master (or IR files) using Studio 1.2 but I think firmware downloads for all of the Netlinx masters and Modero touchpanels must be done through Studio 2.2 and not Studio 1.2 (or at least Studio 2 is highly recommended). I think there are some firmware updates that require Studio 2.
You noted many of the reasons to use Studio 2.2 but I would add firmware to the list and also note that the impending release of Duet Java will only be available in the Studio 2 product line in the form of Studio 2.3 (at least that was the last information we had).
So I would highly recommend to install Studio2.2 Build84.