I'm 80% sure you can. The protocol manual which covers that projector seems to indicate that you can control any Epson projector with a network interface via TCP, but doesn't specify which port to use. Have you tried telnetting to it and sending it a garbage string followed by CR + LF? If you get a response along the lines of ERR: then you're laughing.
Be aware that you may need to switch the communications mode from serial to ethernet in the advanced section of the menu. Also, expect Epson projectors to lock up under external control. Talking to them as little as possible may give you a reasonable run before it stops responding. In fact, you could well be better off using an IR probe. Or throwing it out and buying an <insert any other brand name here> instead... </rant>
Also, expect Epson projectors to lock up under external control.
I work for the University of Missouri. We used to install Sharps all the time; the replacement lamp costs were eating us alive. We switched to Epson, but the 830's and 835's were locking up on us all the time. It didn't matter how they were being controlled - Xantech IR or AMX serial - they locked up. But, being a big institution with a fair amount of volume, we were able to make Epson cough up and replace all the ones that were locking up. We do still have a couple of the 83x units (even the replacements for the original batch) that give us trouble, but the 6100's have been pretty solid. I did write my own control code that's rather lean in the "chat" department.
We've put in a few Sanyo units (for higher res applications) now too, and those things have not been any more reliable that Epsons. I think the whole projector industry needs a little more attention paid to QC in the external control category. It's programmer/installer grunts like me that end up doing all the QC work for all the equipment I use. So goes life. ;-)
I do have a spare 6100i sitting in my shop, I'm gonna go ahead and give it a whirl and see if I can make it happen. If I can, it's more likely we'll use more AMX in a new complex being built on campus. If not, more cheezy Xantech instead.
I think the whole projector industry needs a little more attention paid to QC in the external control category.
I'm hearing that. Funny you mention 830's. I'm currently dealing with dozens of 821's and 830's doing exactly what you mention. I'll ask the guy I'm dealing with at Epson for details on Ethernet control and let you know if he has any idea about the 6100i.
I'll ask the guy I'm dealing with at Epson for details on Ethernet control and let you know if he has any idea about the 6100i.
It's trivial to telnet into the projector on the escvpnet port, but there's obviously a different protocol for IP-based control than serial control. That protocol - for IP control - is a very closely guarded secret. I've been unable to get hold of the information so far.
It's trivial to telnet into the projector on the escvpnet port, but there's obviously a different protocol for IP-based control than serial control. That protocol - for IP control - is a very closely guarded secret. I've been unable to get hold of the information so far.
Would it be worth the time and effort to packet sniff? Does epson have a "drivers" disc that you can install and possibly control the projector from your PC? If so, would it be possible to run a small AMX app. on the PC, and have the controller talk to the PC to send commands?
Probably all stupid ideas that I should already know the answer to, but hey . . . just thinking out loud here.
...We switched to Epson, but the 830's and 835's were locking up on us all the time...
I think the whole projector industry needs a little more attention paid to QC in the external control category....
I've seen projectors locking up at another university. Everyone pointed to the AMX or IR interference as the culprit.
But in the end our fix was to install a power surge protector on the AC outlet. The theory being that when power spikes the projector locks up. After putting that inline things worked remarkably better. They still have occasional lockups; I?m thinking maybe when the power is low.
Give that a shot if your still having lock up issues, you may have the same success I've had.
Can they be controlled with an IP connection rather than the typical serial connection?
Seems the document you're looking for is the "ESC/VP.net protocol manual". I've requested a copy from Epson, let you know if they're forthcoming with the goodies. A quick search of the net indicates that the port used is 3629, the protocol is significantly different to the serial protocol, and the projectors tend to lock up more when controlled via IP rather than serial.
Seems the document you're looking for is the "ESC/VP.net protocol manual".
Yep, that's what I need; I've got our supplier working on getting it for me. I'll give them a couple weeks before I bother trying to reverse-engineer the protocol. I found lots of references to the escpvnet port number, but nothing in the way of discussion about the stability of projectors using IP control. We'll see what comes of it - I'll report back to the forums if I ever get anywhere on it.
Specifically, an Epson 6100i with built-in LAN port. Can they be controlled with an IP connection rather than the typical serial connection?
Good news, I got my protocol manual today! I've got the Proof-of-Concept working - powering an 83c on and off via IP. So the answer is yes, it most certainly can be done. There is a place on Epson's website that you can request the ESC/VP.net protocol manual. I had our big Epson vendor do my dirty work for me. It's confidential document, so I can't share here, but you should be able to get one for yourself and have at it.
Of note, the IP session will time out after some period of inactivity. The recommendation is to send a keepalive command of some sort to the unit every so often. That's rather contrary to the idea that the more you talk to one of these projectors, the more they lock up. I think I'd rather establish a new connection for each command, then disconnect when the command is completed.
Thanks for all the feedback on this thread everyone!
you must use the PJLink protocol, which is a general control protocol for some projector manufacturers.
The port to use is the 4352 in the documentation i have. But i'm not sure it the good one. YOu can download the protocol in pdf format over internet.
Good luck !
I already did it with C r e s t r o n product. it worked fine.
I realize this is old but in the off chance someone searches for this I just wanted to post what I found. Typically I control most my projectors through rs232 but in this case it had to be IP. Could not get this to work upon opening the socket and i didn't have access to that manual. Searched around and finally found an answer.
Wow - What a blast from the past! Is there anyone who doesn't use IP control for projectors, displays, and most other devices anymore? I still use RS-232 to some cheap switches that keep dropping offline on me, and in instances where IP control of codecs means traversing a lot of network routers to get from one VLAN to another, and network instability causes too many disconnects. Otherwise, it's all IP control. Under 9 years for the transition. Seems a lot of that has happened in the last 4 years. Comments? Perceptions?
My only comment is Panasonic can go eat a bag of d**ks with their projector IP implmentation...
Oh, You want to connect once and keep an log of status like power, input & shutter for the 30% of time a tech uses a remote instead of touchpanel? .. good luck buddy, every command sent from a controller comes with a socket disconnect following the command ack/feedback necessitating opening up the socket again..
Wow - What a blast from the past! Is there anyone who doesn't use IP control for projectors, displays, and most other devices anymore
I actually still don't, unless I find for that specific device that it's better with IP (BSS comes to mind). For that reason that you stated is relying on the client network, traversing vlans, and trying to get information from the PM, client or IT department is usually pretty difficult. If it's a local LAN I have no problem with IP control. It's funny when I was in resi almost everything I did as IP in commercial it's nearly opposite.
The Panasonic disconnect does suck but I have it managed in such a way that it's nearly a non issue.
Actually just trying to connect to an Epson Projector over IP at the moment - have always used PJLink and works sweet except with you hang an amp off it as PJLink has no audio control. So have to get ESC/VP2.1 for the volume. Tried the Epson commands but the port closes as soon as anything is sent to it with actioning - maybe need a telnet startup string?
Actually just trying to connect to an Epson Projector over IP at the moment - have always used PJLink and works sweet except with you hang an amp off it as PJLink has no audio control. So have to get ESC/VP2.1 for the volume. Tried the Epson commands but the port closes as soon as anything is sent to it with actioning - maybe need a telnet startup string?
Anyone got this working?
It is not uncommon for an IP device to close it's port immediately after receiving a command. If this is such a device you'll need to create a poller to occasionally ping the device and get status from it. Some devices don't mind being banged on constantly. But, some don't tolerate it well. In those cases you'll need to fine-tune the timing of the poll in order to not anger the bear.
Basically when the socket opens successfully you have to send it an initial command to get it to prompt you for a command. Once you get that prompt your home free. I think it does time out after 60 secs, but that's a non issue if you are polling it. Works great once you find out that first command, it's not documented very well other than that link.
Be aware that you may need to switch the communications mode from serial to ethernet in the advanced section of the menu. Also, expect Epson projectors to lock up under external control. Talking to them as little as possible may give you a reasonable run before it stops responding. In fact, you could well be better off using an IR probe. Or throwing it out and buying an <insert any other brand name here> instead... </rant>
I work for the University of Missouri. We used to install Sharps all the time; the replacement lamp costs were eating us alive. We switched to Epson, but the 830's and 835's were locking up on us all the time. It didn't matter how they were being controlled - Xantech IR or AMX serial - they locked up. But, being a big institution with a fair amount of volume, we were able to make Epson cough up and replace all the ones that were locking up. We do still have a couple of the 83x units (even the replacements for the original batch) that give us trouble, but the 6100's have been pretty solid. I did write my own control code that's rather lean in the "chat" department.
We've put in a few Sanyo units (for higher res applications) now too, and those things have not been any more reliable that Epsons. I think the whole projector industry needs a little more attention paid to QC in the external control category. It's programmer/installer grunts like me that end up doing all the QC work for all the equipment I use. So goes life. ;-)
I do have a spare 6100i sitting in my shop, I'm gonna go ahead and give it a whirl and see if I can make it happen. If I can, it's more likely we'll use more AMX in a new complex being built on campus. If not, more cheezy Xantech instead.
I'm hearing that. Funny you mention 830's. I'm currently dealing with dozens of 821's and 830's doing exactly what you mention. I'll ask the guy I'm dealing with at Epson for details on Ethernet control and let you know if he has any idea about the 6100i.
It's trivial to telnet into the projector on the escvpnet port, but there's obviously a different protocol for IP-based control than serial control. That protocol - for IP control - is a very closely guarded secret. I've been unable to get hold of the information so far.
Probably all stupid ideas that I should already know the answer to, but hey . . . just thinking out loud here.
I've seen projectors locking up at another university. Everyone pointed to the AMX or IR interference as the culprit.
But in the end our fix was to install a power surge protector on the AC outlet. The theory being that when power spikes the projector locks up. After putting that inline things worked remarkably better. They still have occasional lockups; I?m thinking maybe when the power is low.
Give that a shot if your still having lock up issues, you may have the same success I've had.
Seems the document you're looking for is the "ESC/VP.net protocol manual". I've requested a copy from Epson, let you know if they're forthcoming with the goodies. A quick search of the net indicates that the port used is 3629, the protocol is significantly different to the serial protocol, and the projectors tend to lock up more when controlled via IP rather than serial.
Yep, that's what I need; I've got our supplier working on getting it for me. I'll give them a couple weeks before I bother trying to reverse-engineer the protocol. I found lots of references to the escpvnet port number, but nothing in the way of discussion about the stability of projectors using IP control. We'll see what comes of it - I'll report back to the forums if I ever get anywhere on it.
Good news, I got my protocol manual today! I've got the Proof-of-Concept working - powering an 83c on and off via IP. So the answer is yes, it most certainly can be done. There is a place on Epson's website that you can request the ESC/VP.net protocol manual. I had our big Epson vendor do my dirty work for me. It's confidential document, so I can't share here, but you should be able to get one for yourself and have at it.
Of note, the IP session will time out after some period of inactivity. The recommendation is to send a keepalive command of some sort to the unit every so often. That's rather contrary to the idea that the more you talk to one of these projectors, the more they lock up. I think I'd rather establish a new connection for each command, then disconnect when the command is completed.
Thanks for all the feedback on this thread everyone!
Does anyone have an IR file for either of these Epson machines? Customer is changing their 7350's to the newer 830 and 1825.
Any help for the newbie would be greatly appreciated.
you must use the PJLink protocol, which is a general control protocol for some projector manufacturers.
The port to use is the 4352 in the documentation i have. But i'm not sure it the good one. YOu can download the protocol in pdf format over internet.
Good luck !
I already did it with C r e s t r o n product. it worked fine.
Oh, You want to connect once and keep an log of status like power, input & shutter for the 30% of time a tech uses a remote instead of touchpanel? .. good luck buddy, every command sent from a controller comes with a socket disconnect following the command ack/feedback necessitating opening up the socket again..
The Panasonic disconnect does suck but I have it managed in such a way that it's nearly a non issue.
LOL yeah, the couple Panasonic projectors I've got to support on campus? Yeah I'm doing RS232 on those. It is, what it is.
Anyone got this working?
It is not uncommon for an IP device to close it's port immediately after receiving a command. If this is such a device you'll need to create a poller to occasionally ping the device and get status from it. Some devices don't mind being banged on constantly. But, some don't tolerate it well. In those cases you'll need to fine-tune the timing of the poll in order to not anger the bear.
Basically when the socket opens successfully you have to send it an initial command to get it to prompt you for a command. Once you get that prompt your home free. I think it does time out after 60 secs, but that's a non issue if you are polling it. Works great once you find out that first command, it's not documented very well other than that link.