DUET Module for DAS-MI0808
Hello everybody.
I'm searching the DUET file for the Distributed Audio Matrix DAS-MI0808. Can somebody give me please a link to the AMX.com Download. Thank you!
Greets from germany
I'm searching the DUET file for the Distributed Audio Matrix DAS-MI0808. Can somebody give me please a link to the AMX.com Download. Thank you!
Greets from germany
Goto "Tech center"->"search third party devices" and insert "amx matrix" as manufacturer.
This will bring you a list with the required module.
If you have problems accessing the tech center, please call tech support.
Greetings from Germany
Juergen Sachs
I try to install Matrix module but I get big problem. I tried the modules itself without any other files., and noting at all works. On my touch panel, I get only page title and buttons room menu and keypad unlocked. The Room menu isempty too. The small pilot in bottom panel is off.
I tried the duet module who is downloadable separately always without succes.
Somebody can help me?
In the same work, do I to mapp AMX_MatrixAudio_MiSeries_UI with panel device?
Sorry for this stupid question but I begining to work with modules.
Always in the same work, when I transfert the files I get that
The failed transfert are normal?
I updated the firmare with the last kit on AMx web site, and all tranferts are good Yeah!
But I'm always unable to do work module for Matrix audio......