web update?
i can't seem to find the web update software anywhere on the AMX website. I've just installed VA and it says i need to install the web update to get the latest updates but it's almost impossible to find as none of the search results link to it at all
i can't seem to find the web update software anywhere on the AMX website. I've just installed VA and it says i need to install the web update to get the latest updates but it's almost impossible to find as none of the search results link to it at all
2) the first result is "Download WebUpdate"
3) click Select Category menu and pick WebUpdate
4) the first result has a download link for an .exe, run it
In my opinion this should be a 2 step process and not a 4 step process. If you want to encourage your visitors to download a program to keep their software updated, it should be available from the homepage much more easily.
Hah! You should see how many clicks it takes to change the master communications IP address in Netlinx Studio 2. It takes 9 clicks to change one setting.
well.. AMX has quite a bit to learn from the competition where the webupdate is built into the program so you just enable or disable it.