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Duet Module conflict

Im having a problem with 2 duet modules conflicting. I am a new programmer and have a system with 6 serial devices. 2 of them are conflicting with each other. it is a Russound ST2 XM tuner and a toshiba HD-XA2. (yes I know HDDVD is going away) Anyways I have tried every thing i can think of. the only thing that effects them is what order i call them in define_start. If I place the russound before the Toshiba then the russound works. If I place the toshiba first, then the toshiba works.

DEFINE_MODULE 'Russound_ST2XM_Comm_dr1_0_0' COMM1(vdvXM1, dvXM)
DEFINE_MODULE 'Toshiba_HDXA2_Comm_dr1_0_0' HDDVDMod(VDVhddvd, dvhddvd)
DEFINE_MODULE 'Anthem_AVM30_Comm_dr1_0_0' D2Mod(vdvD2, dvD2)
DEFINE_MODULE 'Fujitsu_Plasma_Comm' mdlFujitsu_APP(vdvtv, dvtv)

All device names are unique as well as all modules. There is also an autopatch and request server modules. The only thing I can think of is they are using the same global variable names in them.

At this point I think Im going to be writing my own code for the toshiba since its the easyest and im not using feed back from it.


  • Will this also conflict if you remove the Russound UI Module?
    Has every Comm module a correct Duet Device adress? 41001:1:0, 41002:1:0, etc?

    We should have the DEFINE_DEVICE section and maybe also the DEFINE_VARIABLE, to see more details.

    Kind regards,
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Also, have you checked memory usage on the processor? If the processor is of the X000 variety, they default to a small portion of duet memory allocated. You can also throw on the internal diagnostics ASAP after a reboot and monitor the messages. I have often found the messages generated by duet modules to be helpful.

  • shaggy996shaggy996 Posts: 11
    I spent an hour with with tech service today and we could not figure this out. We increased the duet memory space from 8mg to 16 with no effect.

    For the person who asked here is the define device code.

    DVTP = 10001:1:0 // AMX MVP-8400
    arqTP1 = 10001:2:0 // ARQ Touch panel device 1
    dvTP3 = 10001:3:0 // XM Touch Panel
    DVTPKTCHN = 10002:1:0

    //IR Devices
    DVCbl = 5001:9:0 // Scientific atlantic cable box
    DVSatRec = 5001:10:0 // sony sat-HD300 DSS receiver
    DVBlry = 5001:11:0 // Blueray player
    DVAppl = 5001:12:0 // apple tv
    DVAnth = 5001:13:0 // anthem ir

    // Seriel Devices
    DVD2 = 5001:1:0 // anthem D2
    DVHDDVD = 5001:2:0 // Toshiba HDDVD Player HD-XA2
    DVTV = 5001:3:0 // Fujitsu TV
    DVAP = 5001:4:0 // optima Autopatch switch
    dvXM = 5001:5:0 // Russound ST2 Serial Port

    //network Devices
    dvARQ1 = 0:2:0; // Set IP in ARQ Main v5_0_1.axi

    //Virtual devices
    vdvXM1 = 41001:1:0 // Virtual Device for TUNER AM/FM
    vdvXM2 = 41002:1:0 // Virtual Device for XM
    VDVhddvd = 41003:1:0 // HDDVD Virtual DEV
    VDVtv = 41004:1:0 // Fujitsu Virtual dev
    vdvAP1 = 41005:1:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    vdvAP2 = 41005:2:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    vdvAP3 = 41005:3:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    vdvAP4 = 41005:4:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    vdvAP5 = 41005:5:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    vdvAP6 = 41005:6:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    vdvAP7 = 41005:7:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    vdvAP8 = 41005:8:0 // 41001 == Duet virtual device (APDuet Module in this case),
    VDVD2 = 41007:1:0 // Anthem D2 Virtual dev
    VDVD22 = 41007:2:0 // Anthem D2 Virtual dev zone 2
    VDVD23 = 41007:3:0 // Anthem D2 Virtual dev zone 3
    vdvARQ1_1 = 34000:1:0; //Virtual device for ARQ 1, Zone 1

    as of a few minutes ago I just discovered that the autopatch module is killing the toshiba also. I just added it to the system. no idea if it effects the russound yet.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    It's not a variable issue. I talked to someone at AMX about variables in modules, and they are all internally prepended with the instance name you declared the module with. As long as our instance names are unique, internal variables must be as well.

    It pretty much has to be the automatic virtual device assignments in Duet.
  • shaggy996shaggy996 Posts: 11
    well I have figured out it seems to be all of th rs-232 modules. the only module that works perfectly no matter where its at is the IP based request. This is probably something basic I have done wrong but I cant figure out what and nothing obvious from amx ether. I had thought that the anthem and fujitsu module just didnt work well. But all of the serial based module are having this problem. olny the first one listed works. I can directly access the ports with send_string but the modules are not working.

    I have some time tomorrow to call amx again and am hoping this gets figured out or I have a real problem.
  • shaggy996shaggy996 Posts: 11
    it turned out to be a problem with the latest firmware for the 3100...
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Thanks for the heads up. Can you post which firmware version is causing this problem?

  • shaggy996shaggy996 Posts: 11
    v. 3.30.371

    Its the current one that is still up. when I changed to the last .353 I think it is, everything started working. I even went to the point of doawloading .371 again and reloading it just to make sure something did not currupt. As soon as I put .371 on again only the first module called would work a rs-232 device. IP modules were un-effected.

    I lost probably 40 hours into this problem with many hours on the phone with tech suport. They could find no problem with the code and as a last ditch try had me down grade the firmware. I made sure they know about the problem but the firmware is still up 4 days later.
  • v. 3.30.371

    v. 3.30.371 was a disaster for me -- blew up Lexicon DV7600 and autopatch duet modules

    Don't know why AMX still have it as the latest and greatest on the web site still. However, get them to send you more recent -- it fixed all my problems ! v3.40.339 NI3100
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