Old phast dms keypad...help....
in AMX Hardware
hi guys,
i got alot of problem with dms keypad nowdays.i in malaysia where if it rain,it will rain like crazy and when ever it rain my dms keypad will hang.i got 4 master and all the masters conected to master no 1.i got 2 mvp7500 conected to it.i using c-bus for lighting and kramer for audio and video swicther.i got ASTRO and satellite.my problem is:
1) when ever it rain it will hang keypad at system i only the rest are ok.dms hub box ligth will static on or not turn on at all.do think it something wrong with this house grounding?
2)do u think surge can go to master from satellite or ASTRO?
i got this problem for the past 1 and half year.the house ower allreay angry at me.
plz help me.
by the way i using NI3000 and NI3100 as master.
i got alot of problem with dms keypad nowdays.i in malaysia where if it rain,it will rain like crazy and when ever it rain my dms keypad will hang.i got 4 master and all the masters conected to master no 1.i got 2 mvp7500 conected to it.i using c-bus for lighting and kramer for audio and video swicther.i got ASTRO and satellite.my problem is:
1) when ever it rain it will hang keypad at system i only the rest are ok.dms hub box ligth will static on or not turn on at all.do think it something wrong with this house grounding?
2)do u think surge can go to master from satellite or ASTRO?
i got this problem for the past 1 and half year.the house ower allreay angry at me.
plz help me.
by the way i using NI3000 and NI3100 as master.
You might want to browse this thread. It talks about ICSNet termination.
You can make your own terminators or buy the ones from AMX.
But my problem it only happen when there is lightning strike or heavy rain.if it a dry weather the master will work perfact.i already installed a ups and lightning arrestor to master power.
That doesn't eliminate the possibility of noise introduced on the line from static discharge. They should be terminated, no matter what; that could still be your issue. Those things are very sensitive.
Hi..i alredy checked all my dms keypad got terminator.what else do u all think can cause this problem?
i already fed up sending back NI master to AMX.
At system 1,i got 2 dms hub with 4 dmskeypad each.Both of the hub at different part of the house.
Plz give any idea what should i check or install?
this is true! I did a job a while back that had 9 DMS keypads as well as 6 AMX ICSNet T-Stats. it was a nightmare getting all of them working on the three hubs involved.
I did find that a few of the DMS keypads had mysteriously changed address (right on top of each other) That can really cause problems. I ended up doing a very exhaustive, one-at-a-time assessment of them. I'd basically plug one in, let it sit for a while, if all seemed well, add another. Wash, Rinse and repeat...
it took a full two days to finally home in on the problem(s). One Keypad was just plain flaky and was replaced. The other was a Hub turned out to be bad and would wig out for no apparent reason. Once, we solved these two problems, the system has worked quite well.
I, too, am afraid that it's not going to be easy or quick to figure out. We dont' have access to the ICSNet bus and it's communications. If we did, it might be easier to solve problems more quickly.
Can u explain to me what is DMS analyser?i got one DMS DIAG keypad that i used to check phast system.
I'm sure that is what he meant. I've not found them to be very helpful myself.
Thanks DHawthorne.yesterday i did instal a ligthing isolator at all incoming data and power to NI master and also incoming from satellite.I hope it can help me.thanks guys.
Yup, that was what I meant