Netlinx-2.3 ?

I seen in the duet forums about netlinx 2.3? and was wondering if there will be an update required so that we can program using duet? Has anything been officially released as yet?
'Studio 2.3' is not officially released yet. I think this will be at the same moment that Fimrware 3.0x for the Netlinx Master is finished. Hopefully within a few weeks...
Firmware 3.0x has ICSPS (security over ICSP) and Studio 2.3 enables to use this feature also. So you can enable to use user name and password to connect Studio to a Master.
I have seen a glimp of Studio 2.3 beginning of november, and worked with it a few hours. It has some bug fixes regarding the editor and some other fixes and features.
Of course it enables you use compiled DUET modules. Which can be created with CafeDuet.