MVP 7500
Hi all,
After loading my design to the panel, the edge of the buttons looks 'extent' along its vertical size, may be I should attached a pic, anyone has this issue before? is it a known issue or any solution such as recommanded color tone?
After loading my design to the panel, the edge of the buttons looks 'extent' along its vertical size, may be I should attached a pic, anyone has this issue before? is it a known issue or any solution such as recommanded color tone?
Basically if I have a darker background and a lighter button or line, it continues along to the edge of the screen kind but not the same color tone as the color itself.
and it does not appear in other panel such as 8400
so do you keep all things in dark? or all in light color?
There is no real fix - most people avoid these panels whenever possible. The best results will come from sticking with the panel's 12 bit colour palette as it doesn't cope well with trying to estimate additional colours outside it's range.
The 7500 graphics are terrible and should be outlawed.
I once stcuked with this panel , but fortunately using Aqua Lens or Digital Dots templates made it a little bit acceptable to the client.
[url=[MVP-7500@640x480].tpt]AquaLens[/url] Lens[/url][MVP-7500@640x480].tpt
[url= Dots[MVP-7500@640x480].tpt]DigitalDots[/url] Dots[/url][MVP-7500@640x480].tpt
You may use these templates, or use them as a guide, to avoid its display issue.
Good Luck