Web Update Duet Modules problem
I just installed VA 1.3, and ran the Web Update for Duet Modules a few times, and it seemed to work fine, but now it is always showing me the same 4 files to downlaod an update, and even after downloading them multiple times they still show up as new or updated in the list.
The devices are:
Updated AMX Thermostat AMXViewStat_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar
New AMX Camera AMX_PTE300_Comm_dr2_2_0.jar
New AMX Lighting AMX_Radia_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar
New Panasonic Projector Panasonic_GenericProjector_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar
Rebuilding the Device Database didn't helped. Anyone having an idea why these 4 Devices always show up again in the update and how to fix this?
The devices are:
Updated AMX Thermostat AMXViewStat_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar
New AMX Camera AMX_PTE300_Comm_dr2_2_0.jar
New AMX Lighting AMX_Radia_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar
New Panasonic Projector Panasonic_GenericProjector_Comm_dr1_0_0.jar
Rebuilding the Device Database didn't helped. Anyone having an idea why these 4 Devices always show up again in the update and how to fix this?
The four devices were posted with metadata inconsistent with the VA format. We will correct the issues quickly, thanks for bringing it to our attention. All devices will function properly so they may be used in VisualArchitect now.
Thank you,
Doug Hall
AMX Product Management
Thanks for the fast response, that way I don't need to troubleshoot my system.
Your welcome, sorry for the inconvenience, they are working to correct the modules as we speak.