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WebUpdate problems

I have a problem with WebUpdate not being able to download the RMS SDK and RMS itself.
It somehow don't gets the file size of these 2 programs (shows 0.0 KB for both of them), so it downloads them, and once it reaches the end of file it errors out, and wants to try to download the file again, so never gives me the option to install them from there.
The RMS CodeCrafter is downloading fine, and so did all the other updates. It is just these 2 files that behave that way.
In the updates folder i can see and use the 2 installers, as they are completely downloaded, but then there is the second problem with webupdate.

The second problem with webupdate is that webupdate seems to ignore files that I downloaded and installed myself, for example if I already have the newest dip switch 2 application, if will still download and install it through webupdate, even if it was already updated and the latest version, as I already tried that to get my above problem solved, but it would still want to download and install the files again.

Anyone aware of how to fix this (besides unchecking RMS within webupdate) ?

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