It has similar problems as other ipod docks. It does not have discrete IR commands for power. The HomeDock Pro is supposed to have RS232 but I haven't tried connecting to one.
I put together a module for the Homedock Pro using RS-232. I found some bugs and some undocumented features. I still need to work around the bugs. Ultimately it should be released on DLO's web site.
I put together a module for the Homedock Pro using RS-232. I found some bugs and some undocumented features. I still need to work around the bugs. Ultimately it should be released on DLO's web site.
I looked into the DLO's web site, and there is not information what so ever on the Home Deluxe Pro unit. Any word on this yet?
I looked into the DLO's web site, and there is not information what so ever on the Home Deluxe Pro unit. Any word on this yet?