Errors in Java Prerequisite Test for Duet Training

I took the Java Prerequisite Test for Duet Training and I found errors in 4 of the questions. Does anyone know who I should report this to?
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Joe, did you ever get a resolution to the ones you discovered?
- Chip
I had the same issue after my re-cert exam about the questions that I got wrong. How do you learn from your mistakes or correct one of theirs without the answers?
Hi Chip,
I sent the errors in as instructed and I was thanked and told they would be corrected. I was fortunate enough to answer all the questions correctly (I assumed the questions were in error - not the ideal situation when taking a test) so it didn't affect me any. I just wanted to flag it for others taking the test after me. I would have to believe that the errors were corrected.
I agree with you completely on your point regarding the online tests and inability to discover what questions you missed on any given exam (AMX Re-Certification or Java). After taking the re-certification tests, I sent an email to AMX Training on this very issue and was told they presently have no way to track which questions an individual missed on an exam and that the exam methodology would have to be modified to provide this capability.
In addition, I told them that there ought to be a way to suspend an exam (suspend the timer and save the test answers so far) in the event someone wanted to resume the test later. If you are diligent, you might spend an hour or more on a 30-question exam or much longer on a 78-question ACE exam. Some people might not have 2-4 hours to spend on an exam (consecutively) and being able to resume later would be nice. This is however a distant second to being able to determine which questions you missed and what AMX believes to be the correct answer for those questions.
Joe, regarding the Java Duet exam, I think they have corrected most if not all errors in the questions. I found that all of the questions were straight-forward with only one correct answer with the exception of one question on identical signature methods. This is one of the questions I would have like to have seen the official AMX answer.
I wasn?t trying to make that point, although knowing what mistakes were made wouldn?t be a bad thing at all. At the end of the test you can see a breakdown of categories and see what area a wrong question came from but it doesn?t tell you which question. My only beef, if you want to call it that, is that the questions on a test should be 100% accurate and that someone should check and double check all the questions and answers before distributing the test. Reese, the errors I found were syntax errors and none of the answers provided would have been correct so it does sound like they?ve been corrected. Knowing AMX, I?d bet the questions were corrected the very day I flagged them. I "think" I know which question you might be referring to and the official AMX answer is indeed correct. Shoot me an email if you?d like to discuss it.
Not that my opinion means much, but overall I thought the test was very fair. I don?t know if this is true (so I should probably keep my mouth shut) but I heard there was a test posted previously that was much tougher, so tough that some of the engineers didn?t even pass it. I?m glad I didn?t take that one.
My only 'beef' was with some of the terms used were misleading depending on your back ground and have different meanings as such. I don't mind hard test but I like a solid proper use of terms and questions that require answers that are exact, no maybe depending type stuff.
It better be out by the end of the month - otherwise I'm going to be wasting 3 days at the AMX PA office!
- Chip