Samsung and Energy Star

Don't know if this has been found by any body else, but I just ran into a situation with a Samsung 400Px lcd ( and I assume the same for teh 460Px) Same protocol as the preivous units, but I couldn't turn teh damn thing on. I could turn it off and change inputs.
I found somebody at Samsung who suggested the Energystar setting. I guess when that is on - the unit shuts down the 232 port when it is turned off. Turning that off fixed the problem
I guess at this rate we will all be going back to relay controls and power switching to turn stuff on and off.
I found somebody at Samsung who suggested the Energystar setting. I guess when that is on - the unit shuts down the 232 port when it is turned off. Turning that off fixed the problem
I guess at this rate we will all be going back to relay controls and power switching to turn stuff on and off.
All the new Marantz stuff is doing the same thing. Even their DVDs, Tuners, etc...
In my honest opinion, this is a little silly. While it is true that the device does draw some power when it is in standby it is a miniscule amount. There are far bigger fish to fry when it comes to saving energy than the trickle charge needed to keep a rs-232 chip happy.
I have a suggestoin to the manufacturers: If you're going to put this engergy saving feature on your gear, then give us a way to send you the power to turn on your junk. Put some kind of 12 volt trigger that we can send to it to turn it on.
In the case of the Marantz, you can send it a set of commands to disable the power-off-when-standby feature and it'll work the normal way. However, in the event of a power outage or spike, the device will shut down and you have to manually turn the power on.
No biggie unless the gear is located in the equipment room racks.
My favorite customer complaint: "I just spent how many hundreds of thousands of dollars on all this sh** and I still have to walk over and turn it on by hand?"
You turn it on at system power on, and have to keep polling it to check if it's still awake. Sucks...
Score one for the energy & global warming critics.