R4 - I can't download to r4 my project. Why?
in AMX Hardware
Hi! I'm trying to download to my Mio R4 panel a project from TPdesign4.
1- I have the last USB LAN
2. I set R4 to usb and Reboot
3. I connect usb cable
4. In TP4, I connect to Virtual Master
5. In send Panel, TP4 says that no compatible devices is present!
How can I connect and download my projects?
Thanks a lot
1- I have the last USB LAN
2. I set R4 to usb and Reboot
3. I connect usb cable
4. In TP4, I connect to Virtual Master
5. In send Panel, TP4 says that no compatible devices is present!
How can I connect and download my projects?
Thanks a lot
So I make this steps but nothing work!
1- R-4 in USB mode and Reboot ( id device is 10002 )
2- I connect R4 by usb cable to my pc (win2000) and the system give ip address to the connection ( AMX USB LAN is the last)
3- I open NLinx Studio and I set the Communication Setting to Virtual Netlinx Master with Avaiable Connection to
4- I go to online tree and Refresh System. this is what I see:
00000 - VNM, AMX Corp. ( VNM Version 1.2)
32001 - NSX Application, AMX Corp ( v.
and I don't see the 10002, my Mio R4
5- I open TP4, go to Connect, select Virtual Netlinx Master with ip
6 - TP4 connect
7- if I select Send to Panel the window say No Compatible Device online (with filter R4)
How can I upload my files?
Please make sure AMX USB LAN link is active on your system properties.
In picture 2 I don't see the 10002. It'say no device online
Picture 3 is ok.
Maybe the problem is Win2000? Now I'm installing the system on winxp.
I have conntected r4 with usb cable. But nothing work! I don't see r4....
Try with another USB cable
Try in a different PC
I try with different cable and different pc.
Now on my laptop with Windows xp pro, If I open TP4 and connect I see the R4. Then I open Netlinx and I see th R4. With the other pc with win 2000, don't work. Why? Boh....It's a miracle!
Thank you
On WinXPpro It work for once time! Then I rebooted the Pc and R4 is disappared!!!
Now online one times this moorning I see the r4 on TP4/Netlinx.
Now TP4 say no compatible Device and Netlinx don't see it.
I have tried many configuration, cables and pc.
Why I can't see it? It's not possible!!!
Where is the error?
But nothing change.
This morning when I start the pc, I see the R4 in the TP4. So I downloade my file. Then I set R4 to Mesh and then reboot. And The R4 Worked!!!
Than I need to make a modify to the file and so I set R4 to usb and reboot R4. Then nothing, R4 is disppared and I never seen again.
I'm crazying....
Thanks Alex
1. Set R4 to USB, REBOOT
2. Connect TPD4 to the virtual master on the USB Lan
3. Physically connect the R4 to USB
4. Go back into setup on the R4 and set to mesh - DO NOT REBOOT, just exit out of setup
5. R4 appears in device list
6. Load file, R4 will reboot when its done and be connected via mesh
I was also suffering from the disappearing R4 issue yesterday.
The first load went smoothly. Subsequent attempts failed.
When I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the USBLAN, I kept getting an error at the end of the "New Hardware Wizard."
I thought I tried David's procedure but I will try again today. I may have rebooted after changing back to Mesh.
I still don't get why we are supposed to switch back to mesh before transferring over the USB!
1. Bad USB cable. Worked for other stuff, not the R4.
2. Bad installation of USBLAN driver. Had to go to devmgmt.msc and remove the driver, restart, then reinstall.
After going through that, I stopped having problems. Might not hurt to firmware upgrade the units either, it's pretty much mandatory if you want your client to be happy. Oh, and to keep your hair.