Clock Manager Problems
in AMX Hardware
I have a ME260-64 Master with the latest firmware v330_371.kit and I am using the Clock Manager to sync the time via Network using NIST Server After syncing the time with my computer and setting up the Clock Manager with my parameters (Resync Period, Time Zone). The time keeps reseting back one hour all the time the Resync Period runs. What is driving me crazzy is that in the same system I have 2 NI-3000s with the same settings for the Clock Manager and it works perfectly. I have tried changing the Resync Period, using the alternative NIST Servers 2 and 3, reloading the firmware, changing the Duet Memory and no luck. Anybody out there with similar problems? Any suggestions?
It seems I have a NI3100 (firmware 3.30.371) with apparently same issue...
Did you ever had yours fixed?
I have one NI-3100 that seems to do this. I use my own time sync and turn the AMX version off. However, this one master seems to want to turn itself on and will then go back and forth one hour as the built-in time sync and the one I programmed duke it out.
I actually wrote a little routine that checks to see if the master has turned on it's NTP sync and then turns it back off again. It logs when it fires. I've only caught it a couple times since putting it in the code. I don't have enough data yet to figure out what's going on.