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Prestige button issues

We are rolling out Prestige-S keypads in our classrooms and are coming across a recurring problem. The backing behind the label (with the 4 little holding posts & LED light-pipe) keeps partially popping out when the button is pressed with moderate force. Once the backing has partially popped out, it rests on the tactile switch ever so lightly, but enough to generate a PUSH when other buttons on the keypad are pressed.

Has anyone used some sort of glue to keep the back part of the button attached to the white button frame? I don't want to use anything permanent in case we have to change the labels at a latter date. I was thinking that a silicon-based glue or perhaps hot-melt glue would be okay to use. Any plastics experts out there?

Roger McLean
ACE Certified Programmer
Swinburne University


  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    This is disappointing to hear. I thought they would have learned their lesson after the MIO.
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