R4 - I found a problem
in AMX Hardware
If you see my next messages (R4 - I can't download to r4 my project. Why?) I have a lot of problem last week to connect to my R4 via USB.
Now I have discover that if I disconnect all my ethernet cables and connections I can to connect to R4.
If my connection is active and I reboot R4 I don't see R4 until I disconnect my cable?
I have tried this with 2 pc( xp pro and win2000 ) and with this trick I can to connect to R4 by USB.
It's a driver AMX USB LAN problem or it's a pc problem?
Thank's a lot
Now I have discover that if I disconnect all my ethernet cables and connections I can to connect to R4.
If my connection is active and I reboot R4 I don't see R4 until I disconnect my cable?
I have tried this with 2 pc( xp pro and win2000 ) and with this trick I can to connect to R4 by USB.
It's a driver AMX USB LAN problem or it's a pc problem?
Thank's a lot
Go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections
Go to the advanced menu, select advanced options, and push the usblan connection to the top of the list. I bet it works now.
Honestly, from my POV, its both a software, and a user configuration issue. The system is really complicated, and I feel for the guys writing this stuff for all of our PC's with all sorts of different configurations.
I really wish they had just made it so we could load over zigbee, I mean we can load over AXlink and it's just really slow. Honestly I would prefer a 5 minute load time for my R4's over zigbee versus a 30 second load time over USB, because it take an extra minute to plug each one in. Even if it meant swamping out the zigbee network for that period of time.