TP4 File Size
I have updated a panel in TP4, which included changing fonts. The filesize is huge now. Generating a programmers report shows that the old fonts are still embedded. I have gone through each and every button/state and confirmed that the old fonts are no longer in use. How do I remove the embedded fonts from the TP4 file. I have also tried exporting do a different panel type but this does not help. Is there a trim resource feature included anywhere?
when you say big, how big???
Fonts shouldn't make a TP file huge. It's graphics that really start adding up.
My guess is that font files DO make the TP file big, but i have no idea how to remove obsolete fonts....
You could also perform the "Remove User Files" (or something like that) function in the touch panel protected pages and then send the files again.
Unless you mean that TPD4 is sending the "unused" font. If that is the case, the font may be used on the system pages??? Unless TPD4 is transferring multiple font files that you are using, I would suspect that a single font file is being used for system graphics. Could you list which font file it is sending?
My .TP4 file is currently about 100Mb. I dislike big files, especially when I know that the file could be 25% smaller.
What might be nice to have would be a global font replace utility built into TP4, or an improved resource manager.
100MB? That is huge! The biggest font on my machine (Palatino Linotype) is 490K. I guess those MS unicode fonts are just large (typical MS). How many languages do you need to support? Can't you just load the language you need to support rather than all of them?
No, the area currently allows users to select from 14 different languages - and they want to add more! Hence whay I am using one font rather than lots of different ones.