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AXT-CA10 loosing calibration

Our customer has an 8 year CA10 touchpanel that has twice lost its calibration recently, could this from the lithium batteries, or just simply age?


  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    locknar wrote: »
    Our customer has an 8 year CA10 touchpanel that has twice lost its calibration recently, could this from the lithium batteries, or just simply age?

    I'm gonna go with age. I had an 8400 do this recently and had to send it in.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    why don't you replace the batteries. It's an easy task :)
  • locknar wrote: »
    Our customer has an 8 year CA10 touchpanel that has twice lost its calibration recently, could this from the lithium batteries, or just simply age?
    This yould be a battery fault, but in most cases with battery fault also the graphics are lost. For me it more seems to be a fail of the touch overlay or the electronics behind. Repair of the overlay should still be possible.
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    Take apart the panel, disconnect, clean and reconnect the touch overlay to the main printerd circuit board. I have seen that connection become intermittant over time.

    If the overlay is indeed faulty, your best bet is to find an old panel on eBay. Last time I sent one of those in I had sticker shock on the cost of the new touch overlay.
  • ryanwwryanww Posts: 196
    There are a few on ebay for 50-150 bucks.. It would be cheaper to buy that and either just swap the panels and use the current one for parts if needed or use the parts from the ebay panel. If you find one for 50 bucks, thats probably half the cost of shipping it to amx alone..

  • locknarlocknar Posts: 30
    thanks for the replies, as for changing the batteries, the TP is in a remote location so I am just trying to get as much info together before heading out there.
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