G4 System Graphics Issue
I regularly spend a lot of time tweaking a particular panel design style, then using the polished version as a boilerplate for future panels until it goes "out of style." Rather than start from scratch with every new panel, I will often do a "Save as new panel type" and tell it not to scale images (because it does a lousy job, and they rarely look right), then adjust the pages as necessary. This technique works very well ... except for one thing. The system graphics are replaced. Because the pages scaled and the images did not, all of the system pages are forever messed up from that point forward. Why the heck does saving as a different panel type not use the proper system graphics for the target panel?
Anyone know of a fix for this besides starting over from scratch? I sincerely do not want to waste all the effort put into the design and re-sizing just for this, but it really looks bad if you have to access a system page.
Anyone know of a fix for this besides starting over from scratch? I sincerely do not want to waste all the effort put into the design and re-sizing just for this, but it really looks bad if you have to access a system page.
anyway. One of my biggest bug-bears is that our designers love to put in a bunch of MVP-8400s and CV7s for wall mounts. this is all well and good except for the 'save as a different panel type cannot seem to do it correctly. It always messes up all the button grpahics so they don't fit in the buttons any more.
My work around that seems to get most issues is to:
1. create the layout in MVP-8400.
2. save as different panel to the smallest screen size of TPI-PRO (640 X480)
3. Then save the TPI-PRO file back up to a CV7 and make sure to uncheck the 'Maintain Aspect Ratio'
That way seems to do a better job with all the popup sizes, fonts, and button sizes. A few graphics don't make the transfer well, but still better than going straight from an 8400 to CV7.
I've done a few of the larger 4:3 ratio to smaller 16:9 ratio panels this way too.
It's not perfect but it doesn't suck as bad either.
Don't reckon it makes it right mind you, but this will let you fix it quite easily and quickly
I have just experienced the same issue that has been discussed here and on
some other posts.
I have an existing TPD4 file (MVP8400) in a project.
The salesperson sold an NXD-CV5 for another area in the building.
The CV5 will replicate a portion of the functionality available on the MVP.
I tried the saveas another panel method with no success.
I had both panels open in TPD4 and copied buttons directly from between the 2.
As soon as I pasted one of the round buttons, all of the alike buttons on the CV5
version became the proper aspect ratio.
I did for all of the "out-of-aspect entities in the design.
Within TPD4, everything was looking great....until I saved, closed, and re-opened.
Magically, everything was out of aspect again.
Very frustrating to say the least.
Fortunately, this is a smaller program so I can just recreate everything.
Unfortunately, I dont have the NXD-CV5 panel yet to test the upload to see if
the saved file maintained the aspect ratio to the actual panel display.
Has anyone found a fool proof method to bypass this converion issue???
I can understand widescreen on large 15-17in panels, but this wide stuff on
the 5-7in is ridiculous.
The majority of my work is with MVP-8400's, but adding a small wired panel into
the design justs complicates everything graphically.
My problem isnt with the template graphics, it is
with all of the custom images.