How to access NI-4100 file system?
in AMX Hardware
For example the help file indicates the i!-schedule stores the schedule as per the following text from the helpfile. Is there a way to access the file system from the PC (ie, not programmatically)? File transfer does not seem to be able to select bin or non-standard files.
"i!-Schedule stores the schedule information in a file called Schedule.bin located in the doc:\user\schedule directory. All event information will be stored in this file and recalled during power up. Any event scheduled by the user is stored during a power cycle and will not be lost. This file is only read during start-up."
? AMX 2005
"i!-Schedule stores the schedule information in a file called Schedule.bin located in the doc:\user\schedule directory. All event information will be stored in this file and recalled during power up. Any event scheduled by the user is stored during a power cycle and will not be lost. This file is only read during start-up."
? AMX 2005
thanks a ton,
The default username and password can be found in the manual under 'default security settings' - I'm not sure if it's right to print them here or not!
As long as the FTP process is enabled (allowed) in your master (default = YES) then the documented u/n and pwd will allow an FTP session.
If it is base system scheduling (i.e not user scheduling), I always copy the .bin file off and store it in on my laptop and associate it with the workspace. Quite often I copy the file back onto the flash card and call it schedtmp.bin in case there is any undesirable behavior during a schedule update etc.
In this instance, simple file manipulation on the CF card using FTP can repair the schedule if necessary simply and quickly.
The default user name is "administrator", and the password is "password". Naturally, you will want to change these if the master is accessible from outside the premise.