G4 Web Control External Access
in AMX Hardware
I have a CV7 that I can access in my LAN through Internet Explorer, when I type my Master LAN IP Address. I am trying now to have access to the same panel remotely(WAN). The firewall was configured with a DMZ host pointing to the Netlinx Master and all ports opened. I can telnet, download to the Master as well as access the Master with Internet Explorer. Per AMX Tech Note#669, the Web Control link under Explorer works only in an internal network(LAN). To achieve remote access you have to add a send_command call under the DEFINE_START section of your main like that:
SEND_COMMAND 0:1:0,'G4WC "Panel Name",,5900,1'
I added the send_command and now I can see the new Link 'Panel Name' under Internet Explorer, but when I click on the link a pop-up error FAILED TO CONNECT TO SERVER shows up.
Any ideas on what I need to do to make this work?
SEND_COMMAND 0:1:0,'G4WC "Panel Name",,5900,1'
I added the send_command and now I can see the new Link 'Panel Name' under Internet Explorer, but when I click on the link a pop-up error FAILED TO CONNECT TO SERVER shows up.
Any ideas on what I need to do to make this work?
A much better solution would be to implement a VPN that would allow you secure access to the LAN. I understand that I am being a tad bit paranoid, but that is my current opinion.
Could you please send me a screen shot of the VNC configuration that works with external Web Control.
NAT router configuration
I forwarded port 80 to the internal IP address of the NI Master
I forwarded port 5900 to the Internal IP address of the Modero Panel
Master configuration
I added a send command to add a G4 Link
SEND_COMMAND 0:1:0,'G4WC "Panel Name",,5900,1'
The second panel name can now be accessed outside the LAN
From somewhere on the Internet you just browse with IE to your Home Internet IP address, This will open the Master webpage and than click on the second G4 link.
Add link when system starts
Remove when IP changes
Add back with new IP
Kevin D.
The technote 669 descripes the command parameters
Command format is: " 'G4WC "Name/Description",IP Address/URL,IP Port,Enabled' "
So IMHO it may be possible to do it similar the following:
SEND_COMMAND 0:1:0," 'G4WC "My Panel",myhome.dyndns.org,5900,1' "
When using a DDNS service, you should always get the link.
And with the last parameter I can enable or disable the WC function.
Am I wrong?
Yes, I think this could work.
Don't forget to set a DNS IP address on your NetLinx Master if you use a url name in stead of an IP address
So who has a creative fix for one of the features you lose by going this route - access logging? With a G3 "panel" hosted on the master, it was easy to use ONLINE events to track when and what IP was accessing the system. Now with the G4 version, the panel is always online, so there's no notification of when someone accesses the system, and no way of getting the IP address...
- Chip