MVP-8400 loading through serial
in AMX Hardware
So, I've been trying to load this MVP-8400 through a serial connection to the NI-3100 master. I've seen some posts stating that this is a error prone way of loading the panel and my own experience has thus far proved that out... So my question is, has anyone found any combination of settings or circumstances that can actually make this work?
This has got to be the slowest method on earth to transfer a TP file... It will work, but don't have anything else in the send list - certainly not a tko file. I've only made the error of sending to a panel once with serial, and that was only because I forgot I was not connected via IP for some reason.
What error are you getting? What baud rate and are you local to the machine or trying to do this remotely?
I'm using FileTransfer2 and the serial connection is running at the default 38400-8N1. It's a short cable length, maybe 3 feet. The first time I loaded the panel it seemed to work just fine, but now everytime I try and load the panel it gets about halfway through and then dies with the error: "Timeout waiting for response from device."
the NetLinx master and your laptop??