Modero stuck in docking station?
in AMX Hardware
I was hoping to get a few opinions on the following situation.
I've arrived back onsite this morning, to find one of the touch panels I installed yesterday dead in it's docking station. I'm assuming that I didn't dock it properly (sometimes when the battery case isn't on 100% (which is bloody hard to do), the Modero doesn't dock properly), and that it ran out of batteries sometime last night (still haven't gotten around to setting all the time-outs on the touchpanels)
Anyway, I've got absolutely no idea how to get this dead touchpanel out. Pressing the docking station button does absolutely nothing, and taking the docking station out of the wall is going to be next to impossible.
Any idea's?
I was hoping to get a few opinions on the following situation.
I've arrived back onsite this morning, to find one of the touch panels I installed yesterday dead in it's docking station. I'm assuming that I didn't dock it properly (sometimes when the battery case isn't on 100% (which is bloody hard to do), the Modero doesn't dock properly), and that it ran out of batteries sometime last night (still haven't gotten around to setting all the time-outs on the touchpanels)
Anyway, I've got absolutely no idea how to get this dead touchpanel out. Pressing the docking station button does absolutely nothing, and taking the docking station out of the wall is going to be next to impossible.
Any idea's?
I'm using a MVP-WDS Wall Mounted docking station, with a MVP7500.
If it's physically jammed, I have no idea.
If you power down the Wallmount Docking Station, then hold down the button on the front, then get someone to power it up again, the Touch Panel will eject.
For some reason, the Wallmount wasn't recognising the fact that it was containing a touchpanel, (possibly because the touchpanel was dead) which is why it wouldn't eject when the front button was pressed.
Powering down the Wallmount won't work, as it needs to be powering in order to eject (not to be confused with the desktop docking station)