NXD-1200VG not working
in AMX Hardware
I got new NXD-1200VG that doesn't react to any touches. It's starting, when power applied and I see rotating AMX logo- timeless. Hardware buttons not working, touch screen not respond. I can't enter setup.
Tried holding finger at center of screen at booting. No result.
Can I do something before send panel to distributor?
I got new NXD-1200VG that doesn't react to any touches. It's starting, when power applied and I see rotating AMX logo- timeless. Hardware buttons not working, touch screen not respond. I can't enter setup.
Tried holding finger at center of screen at booting. No result.
Can I do something before send panel to distributor?
I'd suggest that two things have happened. 1, the panel is out of calibration. Thus it will not respond to touches as you would expect.
2. the 'Front Panel Setup Access' is turned off.
Just do a force access and force calibration and you'll be fine. It's in the manual. (You'll obviously have to do the force calibration first)
hope that helps!
I have read manual and don't know how to force calibration without holding front button (that not works).
Hold you finger in the center of the panel. Power up the unit. Wait until the panel boots up. You'll be taken to the setup page. (don't let go yet)
Keep holding for another 6 seconds. Then you'll be taken to the calibration page. follow the istructions from there.
This method didn't work as I wrote in first post... But I will try again..
I suppose you'll have to send it in to repair then. Sorry I couldn't help.
To make matters worst, I didn't power it up until I got to the job.
New policy... turn on all gear before leaving to job.
I'm wait for further instructions. Holding finger at center of the screen at booting have no result.
Maybe there's method how to connect panel through ethernet to PC? Without primary setup?
1) if not installed, Install AMX USBLAN driver on your PC
2) launch a telnet session (Win XP built-in, PuTTY, etc.)
3) connect to IP The USBLAN creates an local IP network, by default with the PC as and the panel as This should give you access to the panel's terminal
To pass the disabled front buuton setup,In terminal, call 'setup' to get the panel into setup page
Next chance may be to set the panel's IP, device and connection parameters by terminal, to connect to a master. Reboot it, and then send the command '^CAL' from the master to the panel.
But because calling the calibration screen by pressing the touch from powerup should always work, it seems that the panel is really faulty.
The panel should be setup as DHCP. If you run an IP scan you should be able to find it. Once you figure out what IP address it is on open a telnet session and send the calibrate command listed from previous posters.
But I can't make calibration - toch screen not respond.
Front button not working.
I start upgrade firmware through Ethernet. It's fail!
Last file not uploading. Panel waits and computer not send file touch.tsk (or sensor.bin as I see on panel screen).
In Netlinx I can see [0ID=5] - Sensor,AMX Corp. (v0.00.0).
I think that is a problem. Maybe CF fault is cause.
I tried upgrading firmware several times - always stops at touch.tsk
Hi - I have a similar problem - inherited a 1200VG that I can't access setup/calibrate. The hard button doesn't respond (it does for panel on/off) and the touch screen at boot doesn't work (but the touch does work to wake the screen).
I did the USBLAN install and I can ping but I can't telnet in. I'm wondering if the TP has a setting to prevent such access.
Any other ideas for accessing setup?
Try performing a full clean transfer from TP Design to the virtual master address and then cycle power while holding your finger on the screen until the setup/calibrate screen shows.
I plug the TP into PC via USB, then power up.
I get the Windows driver alerts...have it install.
I can ping but can't telnet. I get: "Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect Failed"
I can VNC into but it's just the background graphic w/ no actionable buttons.
When I load up TPDesign4, I can connect to Virtual Master but when I go to transfer the file, it says "No Compatible Devices Online."
When I load Netlinx Studio and connect to, it doesn't show the TP as a device...I just get 0000-VNM and 32001-NSX Application
I tried w/ and w/o the firewall...no dice.