Custom color settings
I've noticed that when I create Modero touchpanel layouts that the colors of the graphics are a little different than my laptop color.
For instance I tried to create a background that had a firey reddish orange but it ended being a dull light orange.
I'm wondering if anyone would know the settings for brightness, contrast, and gamma that would be pretty close to the touchpanel's.
For instance I tried to create a background that had a firey reddish orange but it ended being a dull light orange.
I'm wondering if anyone would know the settings for brightness, contrast, and gamma that would be pretty close to the touchpanel's.
Keep in mind that all AMX touchpanels have an overlay filitering brightness but probably also affecting some of the color accuracy. Unfortunately (?) AMX provides no control over the color settings other than brightness. (AMX does sell a few third party displays to be used with the TPIs that do allow more controls, but those are an expetion)
Some video cards will allow you to make detailed adjustments for color, hue, contrast, brightness and more. So your best bet is to match the panel's colors by adjusting your computer's. I know several tools are available to read the color settings from a display and you may or may not want to invest in one of them.
Personally, I try to go for a look that isn't so delicate, and will translate adequately to as many platforms as possible without cheesing it out. That generally means "standard" colors and pallettes.