Multiple Masters vs NXF-MINIs
in AMX Hardware
I have a 18000 sqf project with multiple A/V rooms, aproximately 10, with local flat screen, sat, dvd, and surround receiver in each. The project also has Lutron, GE Abvent Alarm, Pentair Spa/Pool, 36 Pelco Cameras with 2 DVRs, 3 Autopatches, 25 Modero Panels and probably 32 ICSnet VStats. So, we will have quite a bit of serial communications traffic. Our design team is debating on using 3 Netlinx Masters with multiple NXF-Minis and NMS or using 10 Netlinx Masters instead. I like the aproach of having a NXF to hook up the Lutron, Pelco, Pentair, thermostats, etc, and assign an NI-2100 or NI-3100 for each localized system instead of a couple Masters and multiple NXF-Minis. By the time you fill up the NXF-Minis, they are the same price as an NI. What do you guys think? Multiple Masters or a couple Masters with many NXF-Minis? I like the idea of each system running by itself and talking to the main master (NXF) to get Lutron, Alarm and HVAC feedback. Most of the systems that I've done to date have only a couple Masters and I am a little concerned about the feedback for the Lutron, alarm, pentair and etc when I have 10 masters. Please let me know your toughts. Thanks.
I have done some projects where I thought that number of controlled devices would require running extra masters. I have been pleasantly suprised by how well a single master can run a well-programmed system.
Be careful what modules you run. You may want to avoid some of those bloated ones that are often tempting to use. Keep any modules smart and simple.
Only send the feedback to those panels currently on the respective screen and you'll reduce a lot of unnecessary activity.
I echo the comments on bloated modules. I gave up on the Lutron, Apex, Pentair, etc. modules and just parse what I want. I think the only modules I am using are the Intercom, ReQuest, and CTG-LON.