UDP triggers event twice
Posts: 180
Is it known?
PROGRAM_NAME='main' DEFINE_DEVICE dvUDP = 0:2:1 vdvTest = 36888:1:0 DEFINE_CONSTANT CHAR UDP_MESSAGE[] = {$49,$51,$00,$00,$00,$14,$00,$07,$01, $00,$fa,$64,$00,$01,$39,$6e,$00,$01,$0b,$c4} DEFINE_VARIABLE VOLATILE CHAR IPUDP[] = '' DEFINE_START IP_CLIENT_OPEN(dvUDP.port, IPUDP, 5600, IP_UDP_2WAY ) DEFINE_EVENT CHANNEL_EVENT[vdvTest, 1] { ON: { SEND_STRING dvUDP, UDP_MESSAGE } } DATA_EVENT[dvUDP] { STRING: { LOCAL_VAR INTEGER numTriggers LOCAL_VAR CHAR the_data[30] the_data = DATA.TEXT numTriggers++ SEND_STRING 0, ITOA(numTriggers) } }I guess you'd need something that speaks UDP to try it out your self.
Now I've never done anything with UPD but it should be the same although it doesn't look as if you're expecting more thasn 30 byte in the_data[30] so maybe your device just studders. Are you getting the same strings twice? Maybe you shoulod concatenate your incoming data; Thread w/ MTU info: http://amxforums.com/showthread.php?t=4406&highlight=web+scrapping