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MVP 8400 no connection

I have a client who has had two MVP 8400 panels not be able to connect to the network. He claims it recognizes the network but has an issue actually connecting to it. They are sending them back for a repair. I wasnt sure if maybe a firmware or some settings in protective setup may be messed up. I find it hard to believe 1 dealer and 2 panels on his first job wont work due to hardware error.

Let me know your thoughts


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I have to agree it isn't likely a hardware issue; at least not in terms of the units outright being bad. It's possible of course, just not likely.

    8400's are fussy about signal quality. A PC might be able to connect where an 8400 wouldn't. I would make sure there are no competing signals on the bandwidth, and I would try it without encryption. Connecting to the access point does not by any measure mean the signal is of good enough quality to connect to the master. The other thing is to make sure the master has a good connection ... the 8400 may be on the network properly, but if the master isn't, they aren't going to communicate.
  • Before you can troubleshoot this I think it's important to figure out what the client means by "not connecting to the network". Does he mean the MVP8400 is not visible on the network meaning it can't be pinged, or does he mean he's not connecting to the master and getting the green light saying "connected"?

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