MVP-8400 ModeroWireless TP
I have NI3000 and MVP8400 set-up, NXA-WAP is the access point. The problem I had is the TP could not connect to Netlinx. I put the URL Master IP Address of Netlinx on TP which I did the same with my other jobs which is working fine. Is there another way of doing it.
I have tried that connecting a wireless laptop and ping it, I am also getting the AMX on site survey of wireless settings, but still i dont have the connection between MVP and Netlinx.
If both the Master and the MVP are set to DHCP and the WAP has given these 2 devices addresses, you should be able to connect with Auto and the System number.
If some of the features don't work from the web gui of the wap you can telnet into the wap for extra control.
To disable SSID, Telnet to AP and type "set ssidsuppress enable" then reboot.
Other commands used "setminimumrate 24", "set rate 54".